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Cooperative Learning

Kagan Structures Primary Poster Set display

Kagan Structures Primary Poster Set
This poster set was designed specifically for kindergarten to second grade teachers. The set includes six Kagan Structures featured in the popular book, Cooperative Learning for Primary. The six structures are: Find Someone Who, Formations, Mix-Freeze-Group, Numbered Heads Together, Primary Interview, and Turn Toss. Each colorful 17" x 22" poster illustrates the steps of the structures using simple stick-figure drawings. What a great tool to keep you and your little ones on the right track!
PKSP • $14
Look What’s Inside!See Cooperative Learning for Primary book

Kagan Structures Poster Set Combo image

Kagan Structures 5 Poster Set Combo
Receive a FREE poster set when you purchase the 4 other Kagan Structures Poster Sets as a combo. You receive 30 of Kagan's most popular structures in all.
Regular price $70. Combo price $56 • CPKP Save $14!
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Poster sets also available individually.

Kagan Structures Poster Sets
Each poster set includes six extra large, 17" x 22", colorful posters that illustrate Kagan's most popular structures. Kagan-approved steps for each structure are prominently displayed—a great visual reminder for you and your students. Decorate your classroom, create a structures bulletin board, or hang them on a poster rack to pull up the structure you're using. Teaching Kagan Structures to your students has never been easier!

Kagan Structures Poster Set 1 cover

Poster Set 1
1) Mix-Pair-Share
2) RallyCoach
3) RallyRobin
4) RoundRobin
5) PairCoach
6) Timed Pair Share
PKP1 • $14

Kagan Structures Poster Set 2 cover

Poster Set 2
1) AllRecord RoundRobin
2) Numbered Heads Together
3) Pair Share
4) RoundTable
5) Quiz-Quiz-Trade
6) StandUp–HandUp–PairUp
PKP2 • $14

Kagan Structures Poster Set 3 cover

Poster Set 3
1) Inside-Outside Circle
2) Jot Thoughts
3) RallyTable
4) RallyQuiz
5) Simultaneous RallyTable
6) Simultaneous RoundTable
PKP3 • $14

Kagan Structures Poster Set 4 cover

Poster Set 4
1) Find-the-Fiction
2) Match Mine
3) Both Record RallyRobin
4) One Stray
5) Fan-N-Pick
6) Talking Chips
PKP4 • $14

Kagan Structures Poster Set 5 cover

Poster Set 5
1) Carousel Feedback
2) Find Someone Who
3) Spend-A-Buck
4) Team Up
5) Showdown
6) Instant Star
PKP5 • $14

Spin-N-Review Spinner image Spin-N-Review Spinner Combo
Watch as your students work together successfully. This spinner ensures that everyone participates as teams lead themselves through any set of review questions. Works great with math and science problems. Perfect for book, chapter, and unit review questions. Teammates spin the spinner to find out who asks the question, answers the question, checks the answer, and offers praise or help. Play with any number of questions by teams of 2, 3, 4, and 5 students. Includes class set of eight spinners and storage pack.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CSNR Save $8!

Single Spin-N-Review Spinner MSSNR • $3
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Mix-N-Match Book Combo image

Mix-N-Match Book Combo
Turn content mastery into a fun and energizing learning game. Students each receive a Mix-N-Match card. They "Mix" in the room, repeatedly quizzing classmates and trading cards. Your students will have so much fun playing Mix-N-Match, they'll hardly realize how much they're learning. Students love the opportunity to get out of their seats and interact with their classmates. You'll love watching your students master the curriculum like never before. Each book includes 12 reproducible Mix-N-Match card sets based on curriculum standards. Approximately 180–200 pages each. Combo includes all 5 books. Regular price $95. Combo price $76 • CX Save $19!

Mix-N-Match books also available individually:

Mix-n-match Language Arts image
Language Arts
(Grades 3-6)
BXLA • $19
Look What’s Inside!

Mix-n-match Mathematics image
(Grades 3-6) BXM • $19
Look What’s Inside!

Mix-n-match Primary image
(Grades K-3) BXP • $19
Look What’s Inside!

Mix-n-match Science image
(Grades 3-8) BXS • $19
Look What’s Inside!

Mix-n-match Social Studies image
Social Studies
(Grades 4-9) BXSS • $19
Look What’s Inside!

Primary TeamMats cover
Primary TeamMats displaying both sides

Primary TeamMats Class Set of 14
14 Number & Animal Mats
This class set is designed to help you manage your little ones as they work in teams. In this class set, you receive 14 double-sided mats: 10 mats for teams of four and 2 of each mat for teams of five and teams of three. Each team places a mat in the center of the team table or between them on the carpet. Pick which side you want to use with your students. One side is the Number Mat that has all the bells and whistles. With this side, each student has a unique number and a unique color so you can easily select one student on the team to start by number or color. Everyone is assigned an A or B so when they pair up, you can say, “Partner A, please share with Partner B.” Students have either a square or circle around their number so squares can pair up with circles. The mat also indicates Shoulder Partners and Face Partners, making it easy for students to know who to pair up with. The Animal Mat is on the other side. Use this simplified mat with your youngest children. There’s a cute dog or cat so you can have cats pair up with a dog next to them or across from them. Each student has a unique color so you can select students by color. The colors match the other side so students can keep their colors when they are ready to graduate to the Number Mat. One glance down at their mats and your little ones know exactly who needs to do what.
MTP • $14
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TeamMats cover
TeamMats displaying both sides

TeamMats Class Set of 14
14 ManageMats & Fan-N-Pick Mats
Manage team and pair interactions like a pro with the ManageMat. Flip it over to create power-packed thinking and review sessions with the Fan-N-Pick Mat. In this class set, you receive 14 double-sided mats: 10 mats for teams of four and 2 of each mat for teams of five and teams of three. One side is a ManageMat. Each team places a ManageMat in the center of the team table. With a glance at their mats, students know every teammate’s number (1 to 4). They know who is their Face Partner, Shoulder Partner, and Color Partner. And they know who’s Partner A and Partner B each time they pair up. When you call for Student #3 on each team to stand, to start, or to collect the team materials, everyone knows exactly who needs to do what. When you tell students to pair up with their Face Partner and Partner A will solve the first problem and Partner B will coach, no one is confused. The other side is a Fan-N-Pick mat. Fan-N-Pick is a cooperative learning review structure students play using question or review cards on any topic. The mat leads students through this interactive structure, ensuring everyone keeps actively involved! No one tunes out so everyone learns. Two awesome mats in one!
MTM • $14
Save on the Kagan Starter Set!Watch Video Demo

TeamMats cover
TeamMats displaying both sides

TeamMats Class Set of 10
10 Rotating Thinking & Rotating Review
This set of mats is great for team-based thinking and review sessions. Each team places a mat in the center of the team table. For review sessions, they flip the mat to the Rotating Review mat. The mat leads the team through a cooperative and engaging process for responding to any set of review questions. For open-ended thinking questions, the team flips the mat over to the Rotating Thinking side. Students respond to thinking questions in teams. The mats are designed to make the most of teamwork: Each student has a role with each question so every student is fully engaged. The mat is rotated after each question so every student has an equal part to play in the review and thinking sessions. Two awesome mats in one! MTTR • $14

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