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Language Arts

Save! Vocabulary Spinner Combo
Expand your students' vocabulary! Improve their ability to work together successfully. The Vocabulary Spinner leads small teams through an effective cooperative process for learning new vocabulary words. Students each write down the vocabulary word and think about the meaning. The spinner randomly selects a student to look up the word in a dictionary. Everyone writes the dictionary definition. After think time, another student is randomly selected to paraphrase the definition. Finally, everyone thinks about how to use the word in a sentence, writes their sentences, and then one student, selected by the spinner, shares his or her sentence with the team. Use this spinner to make vocabulary fun and involving for ALL students. With the Vocabulary Spinner, your students learn a lot more than just words! Combo includes eight spinners. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSV Save $8!

Single Vocabulary Spinner MSV • $3

Save! Alphabet Spinners Combo
Fun while learning the ABCs is the name of the game when your students spin the Alphabet Spinners! Have students give a spinner a twirl and say the letter the arrow lands on, practice phonics, or printing or handwriting the letter. Develop your students' linguistic skills with fun language exercises. Have students brainstorm words, nouns, verbs, or adjectives that start with the selected letter. Students can spin a letter to write terrific tongue twisters! Students spin both spinners to create word combinations. Students can play alone, quiz a partner, or hold a "Showdown at ABC Corral." Learning the alphabet has never been so much fun! Also great for ESL and foreign language learning. Combo includes eight spinners.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSAL Save $8!

Single Alphabet Spinner MSAL • $3

Free!Language Arts Mix-N-Match Classroom Sets
Students move about the room trading Mix-N-Match cards until you call "Freeze." Then they find the partner with the matching card. Mix-N-Match is played over and over. An eciting and involving way to learn language arts content and have fun. Colorful card-stock classroom sets are also available. Class sets include instructions, ideas for use, and enough cards for 40 students. $5 each.

Buy 4, get the 5th set FREE! or Buy 7, get the 8th & 9th sets FREE!

Capital-N-Lower Case XCL
Literary Term-N-Definition XLTD
Word-N-Abbreviation XWAB
Word-N-Antonym XWA

Words-N-Compound Word XWCW
Word-N-Homonym XWH
Word-N-Synonym XWS
Words-N-Contractions XWC

Common Core Activities with
Read Aloud Literature
Using Engaging Cooperative Learning Structures
Melissa Wincel (Grades PreK–2)
Use the stories your students love as a springboard to teach key skills. With the cooperative activities in this book, you cultivate a love of literature as well as achieve a wide range of Common Core objectives. With the activities for before, during, and after reading, students will participate in collaborative conversations, they will build on the ideas of others, they will demonstrate understanding of the central message, and they will explain differences between books, recount stories, describe characters, and so much more.

Read Aloud Literature Grades 1 to 2 book cover
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Grades 1–2
Activities for:
  • Miss Nelson Is Missing

  • Stellaluna
  • Tacky the Penguin
  • Tops and Bottoms
  • Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
  • How I Spent My Summer Vacation
304 pages. BWRA1 • $29
Look What’s Inside!

Read Aloud Literature Grades PreK to K book cover
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Grades PreK–K
Activities for:
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Go Away, Big Green Monster!
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • What Do You Do with a Tail Like This?
  • Chrysanthemum
304 pages. BWRAK • $29
Look What’s Inside!

Poster Projects for Language Arts
Create maximum engagement with minimal preparation and supervision. Students have fun and deepen their understanding of the curriculum as they create poster masterpieces. Your students will use their thinking and creativity skills as they complete these mini-projects. Students create a poster based on a book, a story, or on their vocabulary words. These mini-projects are a great way to boost motivation and comprehension. The same posters can be used multiple times with different stories and vocabulary words. Each student poster includes numerous highly-motivating activities. Poster Projects are great for team projects, independent activities, sponge activities, and learning centers. Students will be so proud of their posters, they'll want to frame them and hang them up! Each set includes 32 of the same, 11" x 17" poster pages.
$7 each.
Click here to see all Poster Projects

Book Report
PPBR • $7

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Examining A Story
PPES • $7

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PPVO • $7

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Reaching the English/Language Arts Standards Through Cooperative Learning book and DVD coversReaching the English/Language Arts
Standards Through Cooperative Learning
DVD & Teacher Guide

Providing For ALL Learners in General Education Classrooms
Dr. Spencer Kagan, Laurie Kagan, & Miguel Kagan (Grades K–8)
Help ALL students reach the language arts standards! This DVD and teacher guide will help you reach the standards for all using Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures. In the DVD, Dr. Spencer Kagan and Laurie Kagan take us on a tour of a range of elementary school classrooms using the Kagan Structures to reach the language arts standards. The Teacher Guide includes chapters on the language arts standards, cooperative learning, reaching the standards for students with disabilities, reaching the standards for second language learners, and reaching the standards through multiple intelligences. The Teacher Guide highlights the structures previewed in the DVD and includes step-by-step directions, special adaptations for special populations, and literally hundreds of activity ideas for using the structures to reach the language arts standards. Many structures even include ready-to-use, blackline masters from the DVD activities. DVD 30 minutes. 184 pages. CKRSLD • $149
See Entire Series of Reaching the Standards

Reaching the English/Language Arts Standards Through Cooperative Learning Teacher Guide
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Teacher Guide also sold separately. BKRLA • $29

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