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Everyone Engaged 3 Poster Set
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Teacher Tools

Team Pyramids Rotating Reading cover
Team Pyramids Rotating Reading displayed as three dimensional pyramid

Team Pyramids Class Set of 10
Rotating Reading
Boost reading skills and comprehension! When it's time to read, the team places their pyramid on top of the team table. Each face of the pyramid corresponds to each teammate's role during reading: The first teammate reads a paragraph or page (depending on age and subject matter). The next teammate summarizes what was just read. The next teammate makes connections between what was read and prior reading or knowledge. The final teammate makes a prediction about what might come next. After a complete round, the team rotates the pyramid so that teammates rotate roles for every page or paragraph read. The pyramid is a terrific visual management tool to lead the team through a reading structure that promotes active listening, comprehension, and thinking. MPYRR • $14
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Team Pyramids Rotating Roles cover

Team Pyramids Rotating Roles displayed as three dimensional pyramid Team Pyramids Class Set of 10
Rotating Roles
Make the most of teamwork with roles. Each face of the pyramid displays one of the most common cooperative learning roles: 1) Focus Keeper, 2) Encourager, 3) Materials Monitor, and 4) Quiet Captain. As the team works on its project, each teammate has a special duty assigned by the pyramid. Students always know their jobs! And when it's time to rotate roles, you simply rotate the pyramid. MPYRO • $14
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Brain-Friendly Game that Teaches Core Curriculum What Do You Know? Class Set
The Brain-Friendly Game that Teaches Core Curriculum
Core curriculum has never been more fun or engaging! Each student team receives a double spinner and a deck of cards. One student draws the top card and spins the Subject spinner. It picks a subject, either Math, Science, Language Arts, or Social Studies. The student looks at the chosen word on his or her card. For example, if the Subject spinner landed on Math, the chosen word might be Right Angle. Next, the student spins the Game Action spinner. It chooses one of six different brain-friendly ways for the team to deepen their understanding of the chosen term. For example, the spinner lands on "I Draw, You Guess." So the student draws a right angle for the team, and they guess what it is. The six Game Actions will have your students acting, drawing, teaching, defining, and applying need-to-know core curriculum terms. Boost vocabulary and thinking skills with this brain-friendly learning game! Each class set includes 8 card decks and 8 spinners, enough for up to 8 teams to play at once.

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.

MGWK3 product
Grades 3-4
MGWK3 • $49

MGWK5 product
Grades 5-6
MGWK5 • $49

Individual games also available.

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TeamTools software coverForm teams with a click!
TeamTools™ Software
Let's face it, forming good cooperative learning teams can be a chore. Not anymore! To create effective teams, we must juggle a lot of variables: We want teams of four, but must form some teams of three or five to handle "extra" students. We want two boys and two girls per team, but when we run out of balanced sex teams we want same sex teams so the solo boy or girl is not given too much or too little attention. We want a high, high-medium, low-medium, and low ability student on each team to optimize tutoring and achievement. Creating teams can be a brain-racking, time-consuming process. Now you simply click a button. TeamTools takes your class info and recommends teams for you. If you like the recommended teams, you save, print, or display them for your class. If you're not happy with the suggested teams, you push a button to try again, or fine-tune the teams yourself by moving students around. Forming flexible groups for differentiated instruction is also a snap. TeamTools gives you six ways to form teams, six ways to form pairs, and two ways to split the class into two teams. You can use TeamTools for up to eight different classrooms. Create and manage teams like a pro with TeamTools!
Single user: ETM • $29
For complete product description, demo, and more info, click here.

PC • Mac • Interactive Whiteboard

TeamTools™ Software Site License
Site license available in 10-user license. ETM10 • $249 Save $41
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

CTUB product image

Save!TeamTub Class Set of 8
Team supplies include: 4 dry erase AnswerBoards, 4 color dry erase markers, 4 mini felt erasers, 4 twist-up crayons, and 1 Student Selector Spinner. Regular price $152. Combo price $99 • CCSTUB Save $53!

Individual TeamTub CTUB • $15

Lesson Cubes product image

Save!Lesson Cubes
Launch your lessons with a bang. Wrap them up right. These two cubes are a great way to create and deliver a set and provide closure on just about any topic. Each roll produces a new question or prompt to get students thinking about the lesson content.
See Entire Series of Learning Cubes

Lesson Launcher Cube

Lesson Launcher Cube
Class Set of 8 CMLL • $16 Save $8!

Single Lesson Launcher Cube MLL • $3

Lesson Wrap Up Cube

Lesson Wrap Up Cube
Class Set of 8 CMLW • $16 Save $8!

Single Lesson Wrap Up Cube MLW • $3

I Teach! Perpetual Desk Calendar

I Teach! Perpetual Desk Calendar
Julie High & Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
"Teaching: The profession that makes all other professions possible!" "As teachers we have the world's most important job!" "I teach: I create a better tomorrow." Turn the page of this attractive, colorful desk calendar and brighten each day with a fresh inspirational quote or affirmation. Includes quotes by Einstein, Mother Teresa, Thoreau, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci. Works every year!
AITC • $14
Look What's Inside

Squish Apples, Balls, Brains and Lightbulbs
Squish 'em. Squeeze 'em. Toss 'em. Pass 'em around. Dress up your desk. These relaxable foam apples, balls, brains, and lightbulbs are the teacher decorations with a function. Give 'em a squeeze to release the stress of "one of those days." Also a safe visual cue for students to toss around in their teams to see whose turn it is to answer, share, read, write, or solve the problem.

Squish Apple

Squish Smiley Face Ball

Squish Brain

Squish Lightbulb

For Whom the Late Bell Tolls cover

For Whom the Late Bell Tolls
John McPherson (All Grades)
From the creator of Close to Home, a cartoon that appears daily in over 600 newspapers around the world, comes this hilarious look at school life. You will laugh at these single-panel cartoons about all aspects of school: teachers, students, parents, classes, and athletics. A great gift for yourself or a colleague with a good sense of humor. 144 pages.
BML • $9
Look What's Inside!

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