Image of Seasons
Logic Line-Ups


Download this set for a hands-on, cooperative logic activity to build teamwork and thinking skills. Each student on a team of four receives a card with one season: winter, spring, summer, or fall. The teacher or the team reads clues to figure out how to sequence the four cards. Students physically move themselves in the team line up according to the clue. For example, “Summer is next to winter.” Students rearrange themselves with each new clue. When they think they solved the sequence, they check their line-up against the answer and celebrate if they got it right. The six problems build your students' deductive thinking skills, spatial reasoning, spatial vocabulary, and teamwork skills. Includes problems, answers, full-page and quarter-page reproducible cards, and instructions for other cooperative ways to play.
  • Grades: All
  • Type: Logic Line-Ups
  • Page Count: 12 pages
  • Focus: Cooperative Learning, Higher-Level Thinking
  • Structures: Logic Line-Ups
  • Subjects: Science
  • Product Code: OABKLL10