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Kagan Cooperative Learning
Dr. Spencer Kagan & Miguel Kagan (All Grades)
The book that started it all—is completely revised! Why would the Kagans update a classic that has sold nearly half a million copies? The answer: So much has changed! Cooperative Learning today is different. This new book presents today's most successful cooperative learning methods. The Kagans make it easier than ever to boost engagement and achievement. You'll still find all the practical and proven Kagan Structures, including Numbered Heads Together, RoundTable, and Three-Step Interview—direct from the man who invented cooperative learning structures. And there's still plenty of ready-to-do teambuilding and classbuilding activities to make your class click. But in this expanded edition, you will find new step-by-step structures, hundreds of helpful management tips, many more teacher-friendly activities and forms, and up-to-date research on proven methods. You hear how schools have used Kagan Cooperative Learning to boost academics, close the achievement gap, improve student relations, and create a more kind and caring school community. After decades of training and working with hundreds of thousands of teachers, Kagan has refined and perfected the most widely used and respected form of cooperative learning ever. The Kagans make it easy for you to dramatically increase engagement and achievement in your class! 480 pages.
BKCLW • $44

  • The World-Wide Best Seller on CL
  • Nearly One Million Copies Sold!
  • 100 Co-op Structures and 1000s of Activities
  • For All Grades and Content Areas

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Unlock the Door to
Cooperative Learning Success!

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Brand New
Structures Section

All New Projects
and Activities!

Completely Revised
and Revamped!

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Table of Contents
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Table of Structures
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“Teachers, teacher educators, staff developers, and administrators will find this an invaluable resource for taking the step from enthusiasm about cooperative learning in theory to implementing cooperative learning in the classroom.”
—Robert Slavin, Johns Hopkins University

“Teachers and interested educators will find this book to be an absolute must for their libraries.”
—David Johnson, University of Minnesota

Win-Win Discipline book cover
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Win-Win Discipline
Strategies for All Discipline Problems
Dr. Spencer Kagan, Patricia Kyle & Sally Scott (All Grades)
Win-Win Discipline is the single most comprehensive and effective classroom discipline program available. Period. Never before has there been a more practical and powerful step-by-step approach to discipline. Win-Win seeks a higher goal than other discipline programs: The goal is not merely to end disruptions; the goal is to teach students to meet their unmet needs so they no longer need to be disruptive.
Watch disruptive behavior disappear as Win-Win...

• Turns Anger into Rational Decision-Making
• Replaces Boredom with Active Engagement
• Channels Excess Energy into Productive Learning
• Transforms Attention-Seeking into Self-Validation
• Ends Control-Seeking via Learned Self-Efficacy
• Converts Avoidance of Failure into Self-Confidence

“The single most comprehensive and effective classroom discipline program available!”

If we end a disruption, we improve our classroom for a while. If instead we foster autonomous responsibility, we prevent future disruptions and empower our students for a lifetime. Win-Win provides proven step-by-step strategies and structures to prevent disruptions for the moment-of-disruption and follow-ups. Go beyond manipulative tricks to end disruptions. Use Win-Win's proven approach to prevent disruptions by teaching learned responsibility.

With Win-Win, you create a safe, comfortable learning environment for you and your students—a place where students are excited to come and where you don't feel stressed by the end of the day. Win the freedom to focus on learning and growing, not on disruptions. With Win-Win your students win skills for a lifetime and you win the freedom to do what you do best—teach without disruptions. 624 pages. BKWW • $44
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Win-Win Discipline
Table of Contents

Part I. What is Win-Win Discipline?
Chapter 1. Welcome to Win-Win
Chapter 2. The Building Blocks of Win-Win Discipline
Chapter 3. The Three Pillars

Part II. Preventative Procedures
Chapter 4. The Four Types of Disruptions: ABCD
Chapter 5. The ABCD Tally
Chapter 6. Preventative Procedures: ABCD Disruptions
Chapter 7. The Seven Positions
Chapter 8. Preventative Procedures: The Seven Positions
Chapter 9. Teaching the Win-Win Philosophy

Part III. Moment-of-Disruption Strategies and Structures
Chapter 10. The ABCD Questions
Chapter 11. Identifying Positions
Chapter 12. Validating Positions
Chapter 13. Responding to the Seven Positions
Chapter 14. Moment-of-Disruption Structures

Part IV. Follow-Ups
Chapter 15. Follow-Ups
Chapter 16. Follow-Up Structures

Part V. Students with Special Needs
Chapter 17. Win-Win with Students with Special Needs

Part VI. Beyond Discipline
Chapter 18. Win-Win Management
Chapter 19. Win-Win Instruction
Chapter 20. Win-Win Life Skills

Part VII. Resources

“Thank you for changing the way I think about discipline in my classroom!”
— Lori Wilbanks, 8th grade language arts

“Simple, practical, just right. With the Kagan framework in place no one can fail.”
— Barbara Longstreth, 4th–5th grade multiage

“I thought of myself as a good disciplinarian. Win-Win opened my eyes!”
—Tony Insua, 3rd grade teacher

“This is a must for teachers and especially administrators.”
— Diane Roberts, teacher trainer

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Brain-Friendly Teaching book cover
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Brain-Friendly Teaching
Tools, Tips, & Structures
Dr. Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
Become a brain-friendly teacher! Put the power of brain research and theory to work in your classroom. Your students will learn more, learn more quickly, retain and recall more, and like learning more. Dr. Kagan's extensively-researched book distills the world of brain science into 6 essential principles that will align your teaching with how your students' brains naturally learn. For each of the 6 brain-based principles, you will find practical tools, tips, and structures to easily make the leap from theory to practice. Teaching is so much easier and more successful when you do it the brain-friendly way. 544 pages.
BKBF • $44
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Brain-Friendly Teaching
Table of Contents

  • Principle 1: Nourishment
  • Principle 2: Safety
  • Principle 3: Social
  • Principle 4: Emotion
  • Principle 5: Attention
  • Principle 6: Stimuli
  • Structures
  • 27 Brain-Friendly Kagan Instructional Strategies to Make Learning Come Alive
  • 59 Research-Based Tools to Transform Brain Science into Good Teaching
  • The Most Extensively Referenced Book on Brain-Friendly Teaching—over 1,000 References!
Unlock the Door To Cooperative Learning Success!
Sample pages from Brain-Based Learning book

Brain-Friendly Teaching
Tools for Each of the
6 Principles!

Practical Ideas and
Ready-to-Use Activities!

27 Kagan Structures With Connections to Brain-Friendly Teaching Principles

Loaded with Terrific Tips
  • To promote performance, celebrate or praise before performance. To cement memory, celebrate or praise after performance.
  • Allow yourself to be silly with your students from time to time.
  • Practice progressive muscle relaxation with your class and use the technique before big tests or other times of high stress.

“When we understand how brains best function, we can align how we teach with how brains best learn.”
—Dr. Spencer Kagan

59 Kagan Structures &
60 Kagan Structures

Proven Engagement Strategies
Dr. Spencer Kagan, Miguel Kagan, & Laurie Kagan (All Grades)
Kagan Structures are revolutionary teaching strategies. Why? Because they create an unparalleled level of student engagement. Kagan Structures create a cooperative and caring class tone by putting students on the same side as they interact in pairs, small teams, and with classmates. Structures ensure every student is individually accountable so no one can hide and take a free ride. Structures create equal participation, which means all students are engaged a much greater percentage of the time. In these must-have Kagan reference guides, you get step-by-step Kagan Structures you’ll use time and time again. More structures means more tools in your teaching toolbox to create more student engagement, more student learning, and more success. Watch Video Demo

59 Kagan Structures book coverHotlist!

59 Kagan Structures
248 pages.
BKS • $39

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60 Kagan Structures book coverHotlist!

60 Kagan Structures
296 pages.
BKS2 • $39

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68 Kagan Structures book coverHot List

68 Kagan Structures
More Proven Engagement Strategies
Dr. Spencer Kagan, Miguel Kagan,
& Laurie Kagan (All Grades)

This is the third book in the Kagan Structures series. It includes 68 MORE Kagan Structures. These revolutionary teaching methods empower you to create an unparalleled level of student engagement. Kagan Structures create a cooperative and caring class tone by putting students on the same side as they interact in pairs, small teams, and with classmates. Structures ensure every student is individually accountable so no one can hide and take a free ride. Structures create equal participation, which means all students are engaged a much greater percentage of the time. In these must-have Kagan reference guides, you get step-by-step Kagan Structures you’ll use time and time again. More structures means more tools in your teaching toolbox to create more student engagement, more student learning, and more success. 312 pages. BKS3 • $39
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54 Kagan Structures book coverHot List

54 Kagan Structures
More Proven Engagement Strategies
Dr. Spencer Kagan, Miguel Kagan,
& Laurie Kagan (All Grades)

This is the final installment of this best-selling series of books. Combined, these books are the most comprehensive source for Kagan Structures. Kagan Structures create an unparalleled level of student engagement. The structures also create a cooperative and caring class tone by putting students on the same side as they interact in pairs, small teams, and with classmates. Structures ensure every student is individually accountable so no one can hide and take a free ride. Structures create equal participation, which means all students are engaged a much greater percentage of the time. In these must-have Kagan reference guides, you get step-by-step Kagan Structures you’ll use time and time again. More structures means more tools in your teaching toolbox to create more student engagement, more student learning, and more success. BKS4 • $39
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Silly Sports and Goofy Games book cover
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Silly Sports & Goofy Games
Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
Illustrated by Celso Rodriguez

In a matter of moments, you can convert any class into a focused, high-energy community. Boost energy. Boost achievement. Release joy with the world's most comprehensive collection of indoor and outdoor sport and game activities. Includes over 200 step-by-step, fun, and engaging sports and games in nine categories: Terrific Tag, Happy Helpers, Beautiful Balances, Creative Coordination, Meaningful Movements, Crazy Challenges, Ridiculous Relays, Silly Sports, and Goofy Games. Use 'em for classroom brain breaks. Use ’em for rainy-day fun. Use 'em for physical education. You will promote classroom community—with these games everyone wins! 296 pages.
BKSS • $29
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Over 200 Brain Breaks, Energizers, Teambuilders, Classbuilders, and Challenges For All Ages!

Step-by-step format to guarantee success!

Why Play?

  • Boost active engagement
  • Enhance emotional intelligence
  • Promote positive social orientation
  • Connect with instinctual playfulness
  • Stretch the bodily/kinesthetic intelligence
  • Build character
  • Energize your class
  • Stimulate creativity
  • Equalize participation

“Every part of the school environment affects character, for good or for ill. All too often playgrounds are part of the problem of peer rivalry and cruelty. Spencer Kagan's wonderful collection of games shows how to use playground and classroom activities to build the cooperative skills and community feeling so crucial to character development and sorely missing in much of our society.”
— Thomas Lickona, author Educating for Character

To see what kids say about Silly Sports & Goofy Games, click here!

SmartCard Teacher Toolbox
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SmartCard Teacher Toolbox
All 29 SmartCards listed below packaged in a handy storage toolbox.
CSTT33 • $99 Save $27
See entire series of SmartCards.

Teacher Toolbox SmartCards
  • Brain-Based Learning
  • Character Education
  • Classbuilding
  • Communication Boosters
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Informational Texts
  • Memory & Mnemonics

  • Memory Systems
  • Mind Mapping
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • RTI Response to Intervention
  • Second Language Learning
  • Silly Sports & Goofy Games
  • Teambuilding
  • Thinking Questions
  • Think-Pair-Share
  • ThinkTrix
  • Class Meetings
  • Classroom Procedures
  • Classroom Signals
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Cooperative Roles
  • Daily Routines
  • Student Jobs
  • Kagan Multiple Intelligences Structures
  • Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures
Phone Number: 800.933.2667 Call 800-933-2667

Questions? Call Kagan today! 800.933.2667