Your Support for Successful Kagan Implementation
Ensure your teachers get the most out of their Kagan training. Sustain implementation with staff activities and reminders that encourage ongoing learning and commitment to Kagan’s powerful approach to teaching and learning. Kagan’s web-based Support System is a tremendous resource for school and district leaders because all the planning has been done for you. Before and after your Kagan training, you will receive timed email alerts reminding you to visit the Kagan Support System to download these invaluable resources.
General Support
Find helpful resources to support implementation. You’ll find planning checklists, early indicators, next steps, information about Kagan Coaching, and more.
Meeting Agendas
Use these sample faculty meeting agendas to prepare your staff for the upcoming Kagan training.
Staff Letters
Set the tone and expectations with these staff letters that highlight the features of the upcoming workshop.
Faculty Meetings
Model best practices in your faculty meetings by using the structures and activities learned in training.
Follow-Up Reminders
Send your staff these key reminders to help them with their ongoing implementation efforts.