Kagan Model School Criteria Kagan Model School Criteria

Is your school interested in becoming a Kagan Model School? If yes, that’s fantastic! We would love to help you along this journey. Using the criteria listed below as the blueprint to becoming a Kagan Model School, a Kagan representative will assist you with planning each step of the way. Once your application suggests your school is ready, a Kagan representative will visit your school. Through classroom observations, interviews, and other appropriate methods, the Kagan representative will collect information to help Kagan finalize the determination if your school qualifies as a Kagan Model School. We look forward to working more closely with you.

If you would like more information about becoming a Kagan Model School, or have questions for a Kagan representative about the Model School process, please click here to email Kagan.

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Becoming a Kagan Model School

  • All staff has completed required training.
    • Kagan Cooperative Learning Days 1–5.
    • Brain-Friendly Teaching Days 1–3.
  • All building administrators have attended required training.
    • Kagan Coaching
    • Kagan Cooperative Meetings
    • Instructional Leadership Academy
  • Internal Kagan coaches have been selected. These coaches have attended the Kagan Coaching training.
  • Internal Kagan coaches conduct at a minimum monthly Kagan Coaching observations for every teacher.
  • Building administrators coach at least one-half of the total coaching time. Coaching is not fully delegated by administrators to others.
  • SAM Clubs occur monthly. SAM Clubs are differentiated to accommodate new staff members.
  • The building site has a written plan in place for new teachers. This plan includes training, coaching, mentoring, and follow-up.

Benefits for Kagan Model Schools

  • Support: Free leadership support is offered as it relates to implementation efforts. Assistance is provided on an as-needed basis.
  • Materials: Model schools receive a free site license of their choice and 20% off Kagan products.
  • Hosting a Workshop: Model schools get 25% off hosting a Kagan workshop.
  • Registrations: Model schools receive 50% off registrations to Kagan’s workshops (tours, academies, open registration workshops).
  • Coaching: Kagan coaching is discounted to $2000 per day.

Maintaining Kagan Model School Status

  • Kagan Structures are used in all faculty-wide meetings.
  • Kagan Coaching Shadowing has been scheduled for each internal coach one day each year to ensure interrater reliability as it relates to coaching feedback.
  • After year three in the building, each teacher establishes individual goals for implementation using rubrics.
  • Achievement data is tracked and reported to Kagan on a yearly basis.
  • A plan exists for maintenance of effort. Teachers and administrators continue training and updating in Kagan extension courses.
  • An annual on-site audit will be conducted to assess fidelity as it relates to stated expectations. Failure to meet model school criteria will result in a loss of model school status.
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