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Submit Idea

Kagan Publishing Product Submission Guidelines

Does Kagan accept product idea submissions?

Absolutely yes! Many of Kagan's great books and products come from the ideas and hard work of educators just like you. If you think you have a great idea that other teachers would want, use, or read, we encourage you to submit your idea and look forward to reviewing it for possible publication and distribution.

What is Kagan looking for?

Kagan's primary mission is to promote cooperative learning and active engagement, especially via Kagan Structures. We are looking for products that align with our educational philosophy and mission. If you are already familiar with Kagan, then you probably have a good feel for what would be a good fit for us. If you are not familiar with Kagan, we highly recommend you take some time to review our catalog. Preview the sections of the catalog and Areas of Interest below. Do you have a product that will fit into one or more of these sections? If yes, then you may have a good fit. If no, please reconsider submitting your idea to Kagan as we are highly selective about the products we publish.

Areas of Interest:

  • Cooperative Learning
  • Character Education
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Social Skills Development
  • Music
  • Teacher Tools
  • Management & Discipline
  • Brain-Based Learning
  • Administrators & Trainers
  • Subject Areas
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Graphic Organizers & Mind Maps
  • Language Learning

We do publish:

  • Books, especially lesson and activity books based on Kagan Structures
  • Learning games and manipulatives
  • Teacher tools
  • Teacher instructional and informational products
  • Music designed for teaching
  • Software for educators
  • Electronic aids

We do not publish:

  • Products not intended for teachers, administrators, and presenters
  • Children's literature
  • Fiction or storybooks
  • Biographies, autobiographies, memoirs
  • Reference books
  • Parenting books
  • Self-help books
  • Classroom decoratives

A Note About Kagan Structures
If you have ideas how to offer Kagan Structures themselves in a different format you'd like to see, you are welcome to submit the idea. However, you will not be compensated in any way for submitting an idea for offering Kagan Structures (or other existing copyrighted content) in another way. Compensation is considered only for new and creative content, including ways to use the Kagan Structures to reach curriculum objectives. Examples of ideas that will not be compensated are to offer the Kagan Structures as: Card decks, flash cards, posters, flip charts, PowerPoint slides, SmartCards, desk reference, calendar, etc.

What do I need to submit?

  • For a book proposal, you will need to submit at least:
    1. Table of contents – Make sure your Table of Contents is detailed enough so we can get a good overview of the scope of the book. You may want to annotate it.
    2. Samples – What samples to send depends on the content of the book. If it is a lesson or activity book, include at least 3 lessons or activities. If it is a chapter book, include sample chapter(s). The samples will be evaluated for clarity of the writing, creativity of the activities or lessons, and if applicable, mastery of Kagan Structures and content.
  • For a completed book, submit the entire manuscript.
  • For a product idea, submit enough details so we can thoroughly understand and evaluate your idea. You may submit a prototype, a mock-up, an annotated drawing, or a written description, or a combination thereof.
  • For music or software, submit samples on CD or CD-ROM.
Suggestion Box

Who reviews the products?

Products are reviewed by Kagan's Product Review Committee comprised of key members of the Kagan team. Other Kagan authors or trainers may be consulted.

What happens if my idea is declined?

Kagan is highly selective and some projects are declined. Kagan will let you know if and why the idea was declined. If you would like your proposal back in the event of decline, please include a self addressed, stamped envelope. If the project does not include Kagan copyrighted structures or content, then you are free to submit your proposal to other publishers.

What happens if my idea is accepted?

If Kagan is interested in your product, Congratulations! You've submitted an idea we really like and feel others will too! We will make you an offer. If you accept the offer in principle, we will send you a Publishing Agreement draft for you to review. The Publishing Agreement enumerates all specifics.

How long will the review process take?

Kagan's Product Review Committee meets periodically and depending on the next meeting, it may take up to a few months to receive a response.

How long will it take for the product to be published?

Products have been published in as quickly as a few weeks, while others have literally taken years to polish and bring to market. The speed of publication depends on a number of factors:

  • Kagan's current production schedule
  • The priority of the project
  • The target release date (timed with the release of a new catalog and marketing cycle)
  • The completeness of the product and how ready it is for production

Where should I send my product or proposal?

FedEx, UPS, U.S. Mail

Send to:

Kagan Publishing
Product Submission
c/o Miguel Kagan
981 Calle Amanecer
San Clemente, CA 92673

What are some of the benefits of publishing with Kagan?

There are number of distinct advantages of publishing with Kagan, including:

  • Professional Development — We are among the largest and best-respected professional development organizations in education. We display our materials at our own workshops and consulting events that we do throughout the world. We train tens of thousands of teachers per year and do direct sales and hand deliver catalogs at most events.
  • Educational Conferences — We exhibit and present at over 30 educational conferences annually, many of which are large national conferences with thousands of participants.
  • Direct Mail Marketing — We distribute hundreds of thousands of Kagan catalogs each year. We have an extensive in-house mailing list and direct mail marketing program.
  • Existing Dealer Network — We have numerous existing teacher supply store and educational catalog distributor accounts.
  • E-Mail Marketing — We send E-mails and monthly specials to dedicated purchasers.
  • Online Magazine — We publish an online magazine, Kagan Online Magazine, and we feature new products and periodically promote existing products.
  • Internet Catalog — Kagan has an expansive Website with a complete online catalog. We receive millions of hits and our e-commerce has been growing since inception.
  • Niche Market — Our mission as a company is to promote cooperative learning and active engagement. Educators looking for the best products to meet these needs turn first to Kagan.
  • International Partners and Publishers — Kagan has numerous partners throughout the world that translate and distribute Kagan products.