Empower your teachers to create full student engagement! Engagement Support Sessions are small group sessions led by an expert Kagan Trainer dedicated to helping your teachers implement structures and strategies proven to boost student engagment and learning. We’ll assess your teachers’ unique needs and guide them to the next step toward impactful student engagment. Support your teachers as they transform their teaching. We’re here to help!
Benefits of Support
- Provide teachers top-notch support to implement the strategies they learned in the training.
- Prepare your teachers for coaching. Ensure the coaching day goes off without a hitch.
- Increase teachers’ skills and confidence implementing Kagan.
- Replace traditional instructional strategies with highly-engaging strategies that produce results.
- Make engagement a reality by dedicating time, taking action, and supporting teachers along the way.
Engagement Support Sessions Testimonial

Some teachers in my district just finished two days of working with Elia and trying the new Engagement Support Sessions where teachers had lesson planning on the first day and were coached on those plans on the second day. This model worked great for us!
On the first day, teachers had the opportunity to go deeper with Elia, as they talked through their lesson plans, shared the questions they would be asking their students, received support choosing structures that paired appropriately with their function, and had a chance to talk about any other Kagan related questions they had in regards to management, social skills, or concerns about specific students.
Along with this, teachers had the chance to continue to build a relationship with Elia, making the observation the following day more comfortable. Over time, having the opportunity to follow this same format would be fantastic (even for those who have experienced it before), as the collaborative relationship would have the opportunity to grow, further increasing the comfort level of the teachers. I believe with increased comfort levels, teachers will be more apt to take more risks in choosing structures they have not already mastered (instead of choosing structures they already know and don't need coaching on) resulting in much deeper professional growth.
Just wanted to share with you both how great these last two days have been. As I'm sure you know, Elia is awesome, and we are thankful for the opportunity to partner with him here at ACS 😊 !
Stephanie Schreck
TOSA for Instructional Coaching PreK-12
Akron Central School Distric