Bonus Materials

For Instructional Leadership Academy, Day 5 (Winchester, Kentucky)

Receive the following materials at a discount (available only to participants of this workshop) by ordering the package at the same time that you register for Instructional Leadership Academy, Day 5.

Regular price $175 . Your price: $139. Save $36! and get free shipping!

What's Included

Cooperative Learning SmartCard

Kagan’s approach to cooperative learning is summarized on this colorful, laminated SmartCard. We highly recommend this handy little quick-reference card to anyone purchasing the book, Cooperative Learning. On the front of the card, you’ll pick up tips on how to tighten up your cooperative learning lessons using PIES. On the center spread you’ll find Kagan’s 6 Key Concepts to successful cooperative learning. It includes the answers to the most frequently asked questions about using Kagan. On the back of the card, there’s a list of Kagan Structures to assist you in lesson planning. Need a structure for introducing your lesson? Or how about one that engages the visual/spatial intelligence? Or want a teambuilding or classbuilding structure idea? Kagan Structures are categorized for you to make lesson planning a snap.

Decision Tools Software CD

Questioning and Decision-Making Tools for Teachers & Trainers

Asking questions and making decisions just got a whole lot more interesting and effective with this suite of visual tools. With 13 tools, you have the perfect tool for every group question and decision. Display true/false, multiple choice, yes/no, agree/disagree, and survey questions for your students or staff. Enter the results, and click the Go button. DecisionTools calculates the totals and percents then displays bar and pie graphs in vibrant colors. You get the power of class responders without the big price tag. Vote as a group and display the results with beautiful graphs. Make a group decision without creating winners and losers. Rank items as a group while respecting everyone's input. Brainstorm and prioritize ideas with an easy-to-use interface. Perform a Plus/Minus comparison by listing and rating the advantages and disadvantages of any idea. DecisionTools gives you an eye-pleasing interface that leads you through all these questioning and decision-making processes. From super-simple yes or no decisions to sophisticated feature comparisons, DecisionTools has you covered! So many tools. So easy to use. For PC and Mac.

Energizing 60's Music 3 CD Set

Shake it up baby! Play the most energizing top hits from the 60's to motivate any group. You'll find all your favorites including: The Twist, Louie Louie, Shakin' All Over, Wooly Bully. All music is by the original artists. Kagan has compiled 33 best tunes from this era guaranteed to raise your classroom or training roof! All 3 CD Set CEM ? $35 Save $10!

Inspirational Quotations CD-ROM

Quotations to Inspire Leaders and Learners!

You drag and drop these ready-made PowerPoint? slides into any presentation. Bingo: Instant inspiration! Use quotes to inspire your audience. John Dewey's on education. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s on character. Henry Ford's on positive attitude. 23 topics. Over 100 ready-made beautifully illustrated PowerPoint slides on teaching, learning, and leadership. The perfect quote is yours at a click of your mouse. The quotes are conveniently broken into sections so it is quick and easy to search by topic. Plus you receive all the quotes in an integrated slideshow. Motivate and educate with wise words from the sages of all ages!

PowerPoint Pals: Kagan Structures

Drag and drop these colorful Kagan Structures illustrations right into PowerPoint?. The graphics are great for lesson planning. Place the small version right on top of the slide where you want to use the structure. Or use the large one on its own slide. The transparent backgrounds make them really easy to work with. Keep everyone on the same page—or in this case, on the same structure. Thirty-six of your favorite Kagan Structures.

TeamTools Software

Let's face it, forming good cooperative learning teams can be a chore. Not any more! To create effective teams, we must juggle a lot of variables: We want teams of four, but must form some teams of three or five to handle "extra" students. We want two boys and two girls per team, but when we run out of balanced sex teams we want same sex teams so the solo boy or girl is not given too much or too little attention. We want a high, high-medium, low-medium, and low ability student on each team to optimize tutoring and achievement. Creating teams can be a brain-racking, time-consuming process. Now, you simply click a button. TeamTools takes your class info and recommends teams for you. If you like the recommended teams, you save, print, or display them for your class. If you're not happy with the suggested teams, you push a button to try again, or fine-tune the teams yourself by moving students around. Forming flexible groups for differentiated instruction is also a snap. TeamTools gives you six ways to form teams, six ways to form pairs, and two ways to split the class into two teams. You can use TeamTools for up to eight different classrooms. Create and manage teams like a pro with TeamTools!


Ask a Kagan representative: 800-266-7576 (reference product code: CILA5A)

Please note: No exchanges on course materials or bonus materials are permitted. Prices subject to change. Bonus materials will be shipped to you at the address provided on your registration form.