Bonus Materials

For Brain-Friendly Teaching, Day 1,2,3,4,5 (Maricopa, Arizona)

Receive the following materials at a discount (available only to participants of this workshop) by ordering the package at the same time that you register for Brain-Friendly Teaching, Days 1–5.

Regular price $168 . Your price: $139. Save $29! and get free shipping!

What's Included

Brain-Based Learning SmartCard

Teach smarter, using powerful principles derived from brain science. Ignite your students’ natural love for learning by delivering brain-compatible lessons. Stimulate students’ brains by crafting a challenging, enriched curriculum. Increase motivation and comprehension with active learning. Boost students’ memory through multiple channels. Uncover patterns in learning to help students make connections. Create an inclusive, nonthreatening environment to skyrocket learning. This SmartCard translates brain research into practical, easy-to-understand principles so you can teach with the brain in mind.

Graphic Organizers SmartCard

Transform your classroom into a visual think tank with graphic organizers! This colorful SmartCard describes the rationale for using graphic organizers, provides ideas and activities across the curriculum, and illustrates over 30 graphic organizers including: Chains, Ladder, Cycle Graph, Mind Map, Venn Diagrams, Word Web, Concept Map, Concept Charts, Compare/Contrast Charts, PMI, Target, Pie Chart, Fish Bone, Categories, Tree, Pyramid, Matrix, and Plot. You’ll find loads of ideas to use graphic organizers in your class: have students graph the seasons with a Cycle Graph, compare and contrast the branches of government or story characters with a Venn Diagram, Mind Map any important concepts, draw the events of a story or historical event with a Picture Strip, and analyze cause and effect with a Fish Bone. An excellent, quick-reference card for all types of graphic organizers.

Memory & Mnemonics SmartCard

Enhance students’ memory! Learn classical and innovative memory strategies to promote retention of academic content. In this SmartCard, learn the best mnemonic devices to use with your students. Students will make dramatic improvements in remembering that difficult-to-remember information. Master Acronyms, Acrostics, Keyword Mnemonic, Loci Mnemonics, Roman Room, Processing Mnemonics, Rhymes and Jingles, VocabToons, Link and Story Mnemonics, Letter Substitution Mnemonic, and the various Peg Mnemonics.

Memory Systems SmartCard

Boost students’ memory skills and watch test scores soar. The ability to remember—whether it be facts, skills, events, steps, or locations—is essential for classroom success. In this SmartCard, learn about five major memory systems: Semantic, Procedural, Episodic, and Spatial memory. Each memory system is a passport to a different type of academic success. Understand what memories really are in order to transform classroom learning. Go with the flow by engaging students’ natural memory systems that recall information with ease. Make learning unforgettable by engaging multiple memory systems.

Mind Mapping SmartCard

Mind mapping is a fast and fun way for students to take visual notes and for you to present concepts to students. Use mind mapping in your class to foster creativity, boost comprehension and retention of what you teach, and simultaneously engage multiple intelligences! This colorful SmartCard describes the rationale for using mind maps in the classroom; provides ideas and activities to introduce and use mind mapping in your class; describes how to create mind maps step-by-step; offers many helpful hints; illustrates sample mind maps; provides mind mapping ideas for mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science; and illustrates how to use mind maps for lesson, theme, and unit planning. A great resource you’ll turn to time and time again.

Multiple Intelligences SmartCard

This colorful 11" x 17" SmartCard is a terrific, quick reference for multiple intelligences. It describes MI theory in a nutshell, describes the eight intelligences (including the naturalist intelligence) in plain, easy-to-understand language, and provides a long list of activities for you to do with your students to develop each of the eight intelligences. A great teacher reference to turn to time and time again.

Music for the Mind: Relaxed Alertness

Brain Boosters music enters your students' ears, engages their brains, and relaxes their bodies. When you play this beautiful instrumental background music, you promote the state of flow in your classroom as your students read, write, study, work on projects, and solve problems. Brain Boosters music is composed at the ideal tempo so students pay attention and keep on track. Promote a harmonious class climate. Enhance your students' performance and productivity with this brain-friendly music that helps students enter a state of relaxed alertness.

Silly Sports & Goofy Games Book

In a matter of moments you can convert any class into a focused, high-energy community. Boost energy. Boost achievement. Release joy with the world's most comprehensive collection of indoor and outdoor sport and game activities. Includes over 200 step-by-step, fun, and engaging sports and games in nine categories: Terrific Tag, Happy Helpers, Beautiful Balances, Creative Coordination, Meaningful Movements, Crazy Challenges, Ridiculous Relays, Silly Sports and Goofy Games. Use 'em for classroom brain breaks. Use 'em for rainy-day fun. Use 'em for physical education. You will promote classroom community'with these games everyone wins! 296 pages.

Software: Instant Classbuilding

Teambuilding and classbuilding have never been so easy! This software combines the ease of ready-to-use questions with the power of full interaction structures. Lead your students through teambuilding and classbuilding by simply clicking through the steps of the structures provided. Students have fun, get acquainted, and celebrate each other. Teams and classrooms become a supportive environment, optimal for learning. The Teambuilding version features Spotlight and Timed RoundRobin, two team-based interaction structures. The Classbuilding version features Mix-Pair-Share and Travel-N-Tell, two structures to promote positive classmate interactions. Choose from one of the 20 unique question sets in each software to create teambuilding and classbuilding activities with zero prep, or make and save your own question sets. For PC, Mac, Interactive Whiteboards. Get both programs together and save big!

Software: Instant Teambuilding

Teambuilding and classbuilding have never been so easy! This software combines the ease of ready-to-use questions with the power of full interaction structures. Lead your students through teambuilding and classbuilding by simply clicking through the steps of the structures provided. Students have fun, get acquainted, and celebrate each other. Teams and classrooms become a supportive environment, optimal for learning. The Teambuilding version features Timed RoundRobin and Spotlight, two team-based interaction structures. The Classbuilding version features Travel-N-Tell and Mix-Pair-Share, two structures to promote positive classmate interactions. Choose from one of the 20 unique question sets in each software to create teambuilding and classbuilding activities with zero prep, or make and save your own question sets. For PC, Mac, Interactive Whiteboards. Get both programs together and save big!

Squish Brain

Squish 'em. Squeeze 'em. Toss 'em. Pass 'em around. Dress up your desk. These relaxable foam apples, balls, brains, and lightbulbs are the teacher decorations with a function. Give 'em a squeeze to release the stress of "one of those days." Also a safe visual cue for students to toss around in their teams to see whose turn it is to answer, share, read, write, or solve the problem.


Ask a Kagan representative: 800-266-7576 (reference product code: CBB5B)

Please note: No exchanges on course materials or bonus materials are permitted. Prices subject to change. Bonus materials will be shipped to you at the address provided on your registration form.