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Kagan Winter Academies 2025

NASHVILLE, TN • January 17-20  & LAS VEGAS, NV • February 14-17

Apply for a Scholarship!

Teacher Application

Only one application per person.

Scholarship Applications must be received by November 1, 2024. Applications received after November 1, 2024 are not eligible.

First Name:
Last Name:
Home Address:
Home Phone:
School Name:
School Address:
School Phone Number:
Number of years teaching:
Institute or Workshop I’d Like to Attend:

When choosing the workshop or institute you would like to attend, make sure that you will be available to attend on those dates if selected for a scholarship. Please note: Some courses being offered require a prerequisite. Make sure you meet the prerequisite before choosing your course. If you are unsure if you meet the prerequisite, please call our office at (800) 266-7576 x346.

Please list any Kagan courses you have completed:
(350 word max)

(Words remaining: 350 )

Question 1:
Why should Kagan select you to receive free tuition?
(350 word max)

(Words remaining: 350)

Question 2:
While adhering to Kagan’s Copyright Policy, how would you like to share what you learn with other teachers at your school, district, or beyond?
(350 word max)

(Words remaining: 350 )

Please see Kagan's Copyright Policy for sharing that is permitted and not permitted.
Question 3:
What success have you already had in implementing Kagan?
(350 word max)

(Words remaining: 350 )

Your Photo:
Please include a photo of yourself.

Note: Certain firewall or Anti-Virus internet security software may prevent you from submitting form. To submit form successfully, temporarily disable your anti-virus software.

Register Today! 800.266.7576