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Administrator Tips
Dr. Vern Minor, Director of Educational Leadership
To cite this article: Minor, V. We’re Here to Support You! Kagan Online Magazine, Issue #64. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishing.
In a previous issue of the Kagan Online Magazine, I advocated that true leaders need to be people of action. Far too often those in leadership say all the right things but fail to act in any overt manner. There is a profound difference between a leader who says, “You have my support,” (passive leadership) and one who proclaims, “I will support you,” (active leadership). Effective instructional leaders act on what they know in order to grow their staff professionally.
I am not trying to be mean-spirited or speak ill of higher education when I make the following statement, but a countless number of administrators have affirmed my observation over the course of many years. We simply are not trained during our administrative preparation programs to function as instructional leaders. In our courses we talk about educational change; we circle up our chairs and engage in deep dialogue. However, seldom does our coursework equip us to know what we are supposed to do. How should instructional leaders act? Granted, beliefs are important, but if beliefs are not coupled with behaviors, our impact as leaders is minimal.
In the last sentence of the article noted above, I stated, “We would be honored to come alongside and support you in your efforts.”1 I am happy to inform you that Kagan Professional Development is doing exactly that! Kagan is happy to announce that we are launching support services designed specifically for those who are leading a cooperative learning initiative. For many years we have had workshops designed to equip leaders (e.g., Kagan Coaching, Cooperative Meetings, Instructional Leadership Academy). Now we are offering Leadership Support Services so that we come alongside those who have embraced the challenge of truly engaging all students.
The services that are available consist of a combination of free and fee-based services. Let me briefly highlight each of these areas.
“Be strong…and believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.”2 We believe this at Kagan. It is possible to narrow learning gaps. It is possible to have high levels of achievement for all students. It is possible to ensure our children acquire the soft skills they need to be successful in life. However, know that you do not have to tackle these challenges alone. Take time in the near future to visit the Leadership Support Services website. Read in greater depth what these services entail, and then reflect on the next steps you need to take. Allow us to partner with you and support you as you strive to be a true instructional leader.
1 Lead with Action Verbs, Not Linking Verbs
2 Copeland, M. Brainy Quote.