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Training & Support Plans

Where do we start?
Kagan strongly recommends that all schools and/or districts start with the basic cooperative learning training. This training provides the foundation for all other training. Participants learn a range of structures, the four basic principles of cooperative learning, and the seven keys to successful implementation. The basic training can be tailored for elementary and secondary teachers and can be provided in a week-long institute or spread throughout the year(s). Phase 1 can be implemented in one year or over a period of years.

Who should attend training?
Kagan works individually with each school or district to design trainings. Ultimately, the goal should be to train all teachers and administrators. However, possibilities for beginning the process include:

  • District Leadership with Building Administrators
  • School Teams (Building Administrators with 3–10 teachers)
  • Departments
  • Whole School Site

How do we support participants after the training?
Kagan recognizes that training is only the first step to successful implementation of cooperative learning. A strategy as powerful as cooperative learning requires support and follow-up to ensure success. Therefore, Kagan advocates the implementation of Kagan Coaching.

What trainings should be attended by administrators?
Kagan provides various trainings targeted toward administrators. However, it is recommended that administrators (building and/or district) attend basic cooperative learning with their staff.

Possibilities include:

  • Basic Cooperative Learning (5 days)
  • Cooperative Learning for Administrators (2 days) Note: Course content is the same as the Basic Cooperative Learning training with special content for administrators.
  • Cooperative Meetings (2 days)
  • Administrator's Blueprint: Creating the Cooperative School (1–day)

Phase 1: Training & Support

Description: In order to support full implementation and systemic change in a school or district, three essential components have been embedded into the scenarios below. Those components are:

1. Training for Teachers: All teachers in a building and/or district are trained in 5 days of Cooperative Learning.

2. Training for Administrators: All administrators are trained in 5 days of Cooperative Learning. This training can be done prior to teacher training or at the same time teachers are trained. All administrators are trained in Cooperative Meetings (2-days). It is recommended that this training occur after the five days of Cooperative Learning are completed.

3. Coaching: All teachers who have been trained are coached quarterly. Please see Kagan Coaching for a brief description of coaching. Administrators shadow Kagan coaches.

Phase 1: Possible Scenarios

Scenario Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8
Scenario #1 Cooperative Learning
Kagan Coaching Administrators attend
Cooperative Meetings
Kagan Coaching Kagan Coaching Move to Phase 2 as needed    
Scenario #2 Cooperative Learning
Days 1–2
Kagan Coaching Cooperative Learning
Days 3–4
Kagan Coaching Cooperative Learning
Day 5
Kagan Coaching Administrators attend
Cooperative Meetings
Move to Phase 2 as needed
Scenario #3 Cooperative Learning
Days 1–2
Kagan Coaching Cooperative Learning
Day 3
Kagan Coaching Cooperative Learning
Day 4
Kagan Coaching Cooperative Learning Day 5 Kagan Coaching
Administrators attend
Cooperative Meetings
Scenario #4 Cooperative Learning
Day 1
Kagan Coaching Cooperative Learning
Day 2
Kagan Coaching Cooperative Learning
Day 3
Kagan Coaching Cooperative Learning
Days 4–5
Administrators attend
Cooperative Meetings

Long Term Planning: Anytime during Phase 1, Kagan recommends developing a long-term plan to support classroom implementation and systemic change.

Recommended Support Materials

SmartCards ($4 each)
Cooperative Learning TKC
Cooperative Learning Structures TSC
Communication Boosters TCO
Cooperative Learning Management TMC

Computer Software Applications
Selector Tools EST
Timer Tools ETT
Team Tools ETM
*Contact Kagan for site license information

Poster Sets PKS + PKS (2–5)
TeamMats MTM

Classbuilding BKC
Teambuiding BKT
Silly Sports and Goofy Games BKSS

Books—Content Specific
Kagan has many resources for content specific areas. Check out the Kagan website or catalog for more information.

Phase 2: Building Capacity

Description: In order to sustain change over time, buildings and districts must build internal capacity. The following components are next steps in building support and implementation. These steps are NOT sequential but must be addressed and implemented based on building needs.

Kagan will work directly with schools and districts to establish priorities and develop a long-term plan.

Component Description
School Improvement Plan It is recommended that cooperative learning be an identified strategy on the building's school improvement plan. A mission and vision should reflect the need for student engagement and social skills development.
Administrator Training Administrators attend "Creating the Cooperative School" to learn how to build an infrastructure to support the implementation of Cooperative Learning.
Coaching Once teachers have been coached by Kagan Trainers, it is important for schools to begin selecting internal coaches. The recommended sequence is: 1) Use structures for a year; 2) attend Kagan Coaching workshop; 3) shadow Kagan coaches for a year before taking over in the building.
Structure-A-Month Clubs Lead teachers can be trained on how to conduct Structure-A-Month clubs where teachers review structures, share ideas, troubleshoot and plan for more extensive implementation.
Team Planning Grade level or content area teams meet monthly to discuss implementation and provide support.
Curriculum Link Content area specialists or instructional coaches assist teachers in integrating structures into the curriculum. This can be done with new materials, curriculum guides and curriculum maps. Specialists and instructional coaches should be VERY familiar with the structures and functions.
School Trainers Strong teacher leaders are identified to apply for school trainer certification. Trainers apply through the application process on the Kagan website. These trainers are then certified to train new staff in the week-long cooperative learning course. See requirements for certification on the Kagan website under Workshops.
New Staff A plan is devised to ensure that new staff members receive the training so implementation continues. This would include attending the 5-day training as well as coaching and support from fellow staff members.
Engagement Support Sessions A Kagan Trainer works with small teams to support them in their implementation of Kagan structures and strategies. The focus of the session is based on a needs assessment and how best support teachers as they infuse Kagan and full student engagement into their daily teaching.

Phase 3: Extension

Phase 3 is flexible. Staff continues to broaden use and knowledge of structures. Many schools and districts could potentially be in all three phases at once depending on how many schools and teachers have been trained. Below are two additional components to support implementation. However, schools may identify other areas of needs in the long-term planning process.

Component Description
Follow-Up Training It is important to continue to build teachers' understanding and knowledge of Kagan Structures. Kagan provides additional training in content areas such as literacy, mathematics, social studies and science. In addition, courses are designed on thinking skills, multiple intelligences, brain friendly instruction and discipline. Contact the professional development office or go to www.KaganOnline.com for a list of course offerings.
Resources A variety of resources are available to support implementation of Kagan Cooperative Learning. Content area books as well as technology such as TimerTools, SelectorTools, TeamTools, etc., are available in the products section on the Kagan website.

Sample 3-Year Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan Components:

  • Training
  • Support
  • Follow-Up and Accountability
  • Results
  • Building Capacity
Year 1
What Person Responsible for Organization Who Participates
Training: Cooperative Learning Days 1-2  
  • Teachers
  • Administrators
Training: Cooperative Learning Days 3-5. Note:  Training can be organized in a variety of scenarios and spread out over two years.  See Kagan's Training and Support Plans.  
  • Teachers
  • Instructional Coaches
  • Administrators
Support: Coaching by a certified Kagan Coach. A Kagan coach can see approximately 16-18 teachers in one day at one school site.  
  • Teachers
  • Administrators shadow
Follow-Up and Accountability: Grade level or content area Planning – teachers meet to share ideas and set goals for implementation.  
  • Teachers
  • Instructional Coaches
Follow-Up and Accountability: Principal or Instructional Leader walk-throughs  
  • Teachers who attended training.
Note: Principal or leader must have attended training and be knowledgeable of the structures.
Building Capacity: Teachers selected to be trained as internal coaches.    
Year 2
What Person Responsible for Organization Who Participates Timeline
Administrator Training:
Cooperative Meetings (2-days) Administrator Blueprint (1-day)
  • All building administrators and leaders responsible for conducting meetings.
Summer following the completion of the week-long CL training.
Support:  Coaching by a certified Kagan Coach. Internal coaches shadow Kagan Coach.  
  • Teachers who attended training.
Support: Coaching by internal coaches.  
  • Teachers who attended training.
Begin coaching in pairs in the spring of year 2.
Support: Structure a Month club to review and discuss structures used.  
  • Teachers who attended training.
Monthly – facilitated by internal coaches.
Support: Lesson Planning: Small group planning sessions with a Kagan trainer or coach.  
  • Teachers by content area or grade level.
As often as needed.
Follow-Up and Accountability: Grade level or content area Planning – teachers meet to share ideas and set goals for implementation.  
  • Teachers who attended training.
Follow-Up and Accountability:
Principal or Instructional Leader walk-throughs
  • Teachers who attended training. 
Note: Principal or leader must have attended training and be knowledgeable of the structures.
Monthly (minimal)
Follow-Up and Accountability:
Teacher Implementation Survey
  • Teachers who attended Training
Results: Gather achievement data from district, state or national tests. Analyze teacher implementation data and student achievement data.  
  • Leadership
Building Capacity: Identify in-house teachers to become school trainers. Note:  school trainers cannot train at the district level.  
  • Leadership
Building Capacity: Establish plan for new teachers that includes training and support.  
  • Leadership
Year 3
What Person Responsible for Organization Who Participates Timeline
  1. Refresher or,
  2. Content Specific, or
  3. Speciality Workshops
  • To be determined
  1. New Staff (building)
    New School Trainers take responsibility for training new teachers.
  2. New Staff (district): Conduct CL training by national certified Kagan trainer.
  • New Teachers
Summer prior to the new year.
Support: Coaching by in-house Kagan coaches.  
  • Teachers who attended training.
Support: Structure a Month club to review and discuss structures used.  
  • Teachers who attended training.
Support: Engagement Support Sessions: Small group planning sessions with a Kagan Trainer to support teachers in implementing Kagan Structures and strategies.  
  • Teachers by content area or grade level.
As often as needed.
Follow-Up and Accountability:
Grade level or content area Planning – teachers meet to share ideas and set goals for implementation.
  • Teachers who attended training.
Follow-Up and Accountability:
Principal or Instructional Leader walk-throughs
  • Teachers who attended training. 
Note: Principal or leader must have attended training and be knowledgeable of the structures.
Monthly (minimal)
Building Capacity: Teachers observe each others classrooms during coaching sessions to gain idea.  
  • Teachers
  • Leadership
  • Coaches
As needed