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Silly Sports & Goofy Games
Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
Illustrated by Celso Rodriguez

In a matter of moments, you can convert any class into a focused, high-energy community. Boost energy. Boost achievement. Release joy with the world's most comprehensive collection of indoor and outdoor sport and game activities. Includes over 200 step-by-step, fun, and engaging sports and games in nine categories: Terrific Tag, Happy Helpers, Beautiful Balances, Creative Coordination, Meaningful Movements, Crazy Challenges, Ridiculous Relays, Silly Sports, and Goofy Games. Use 'em for classroom brain breaks. Use ’em for rainy-day fun. Use 'em for physical education. You will promote classroom community—with these games everyone wins! 296 pages.
BKSS • $29
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Over 200 Brain Breaks, Energizers, Teambuilders, Classbuilders, and Challenges For All Ages!

Step-by-step format to guarantee success!

Why Play?

  • Boost active engagement
  • Enhance emotional intelligence
  • Promote positive social orientation
  • Connect with instinctual playfulness
  • Stretch the bodily/kinesthetic intelligence
  • Build character
  • Energize your class
  • Stimulate creativity
  • Equalize participation

“Every part of the school environment affects character, for good or for ill. All too often playgrounds are part of the problem of peer rivalry and cruelty. Spencer Kagan's wonderful collection of games shows how to use playground and classroom activities to build the cooperative skills and community feeling so crucial to character development and sorely missing in much of our society.”
— Thomas Lickona, author Educating for Character

To see what kids say about Silly Sports & Goofy Games, click here!

Silly Sports and Goofy Games Flip Chart cover

Silly Sports & Goofy Games Flip Chart
Flip your way to fun with this desk flip chart. Every page has step-by-step directions to play a game from Silly Sports & Goofy Games. The 30 games include terrific tag games, happy helper games, creative coordinations, meaningful movements, crazy challenges, beautiful balances, ridiculous relays, and goofy games. Too much energy in your class? Get the wiggles out with a quick silly sport. Or maybe the energy level in your class is too low to learn. Flip to one of these beloved games to re-energize and refocus your students. Measures 8.5" x 11". MFLSS • $29
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Communitybuilding In The Classroom book coverCommunitybuilding
In the Classroom

Vanston Shaw (All Grades)
Turn your classroom into a caring community so each student feels known, accepted, and appreciated. These easy-to-follow cooperative learning lessons create unity, build conflict resolution skills, and foster a will to work together. This book includes 37 proven lessons and hundreds of activities which foster teambuilding, communication skills, conflict resolution skills, and mutual support. 248 pages. BVSCB • $29
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Odd One Out book cover
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New!Odd One Out
Activities to Develop Thinking,
Communication, and Cooperation

Rob Jutras and Rachel Treaster (Grades 3–6)
Odd One Out is a Kagan Structure that develops thinking, communication, and cooperation. To play, every student on a team of four is given a card with an item on it. One of the items is different than the other three. Students work together to decide who’s the odd one out. Every time teachers experience Odd One Out in a Kagan training, they always beg for more activities to play with their students. Beg no more! Kagan Trainers Rob and Rachel teamed up to provide a whole book full of activities. The activities promote thinking across language arts, math, science, social studies, and there’s even a section of activities just for fun. 216 pages. BJTO • $29
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Numbered Heads Together software cover The Total Engagement Quiz Show Review!
Numbered Heads Together™ Software
The Quiz Show Game for Teams

Students love game show reviews. And students love teamwork. We've put them together in this game show software that your students will ask for time and time again! You simply type or paste in your questions or problems for any subject and you're ready to play. It's so easy to use, you can set up a game in just minutes; plus you can save all your games to play next period, next year, or as a refresher next week. You can use just about any type of questions: worksheet problems, review questions, test prep questions, or you can even play with thinking or trivia questions. The game leads teams through Numbered Heads Together, a longtime favorite cooperative learning review structure designed to promote teamwork and accountability for every student. Students put their "heads together" so everyone on the team can answer for the team. And because any student can be picked at any time to share the team's answer, everyone must keep tuned in to every question or problem. Unlike other review games, with Numbered Heads Together you're confident that every student is actively engaged and that everyone is learning. Put the excitement of a quiz show together with the best of instruction and you will transform any review session into a power-packed learning experience.
Single user: ENH • $29
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For complete product description, demo, and more info, click here.

PC, Mac & Interactive Whiteboard


Numbered Heads Together™ Software Site License
Site license available in 10-user license. ENH10 • $249 Save $41
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

Save!Learning Chips for Promoting Engaged Discussion
Get your students talking about the curriculum with these communication boosting Learning Chips sets. Each set has 16 attractive, durable plastic, double-sided chips.
See Entire Series of Learning Chips

Learning chips storage box FREE!

FREE storage box and 8 FREE canisters included with purchase of class sets!

CMDD product image

Discussion Chips
Provocative sentence starters to encourage impassioned discussion about any topic.

Class Set of 8
CMDD • $29
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Single Chips Set MDD • $5

CMDI product image

Interview Chips
Interview question starters for interviewing characters in role, classmates, or any interviewee.

Class Set of 8
CMDI • $29
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Single Chips Set
MDI • $5

CMDP product image

Paraphrase Chips
Paraphrasing gambits to promote attentive listening during any discussion or lecture.

Class Set of 8
CMDP • $29
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Single Chips Set
MDP • $5

TCO product imageCommunication Boosters SmartCard
Boost your students' communication skills. Build interpersonal relations. Transform your class into a more caring community. Do it all with gambits—functional phrases that empower students to say just the right thing. Whether they're saying hello or goodbye to teammates, disagreeing politely, asking for clarification, building creativity, or keeping the team on task, they'll know how to say it with style. In this SmartCard, you will find over 200 gambits designed to stretch your students' verbal/linguistic intelligence. Plus, you'll find structures for generating, using, and sharing gambits. Watch as your students work together more harmoniously. Listen as your students become more caring, respectful, and positive. TCO • $4
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TPS product imageThink-Pair-Share SmartCard
This is your user's guide to one of the most simple, yet most powerful, cooperative learning structures out there. With this SmartCard in your hands, you will have a world of options to get your students thinking, pairing, and sharing. There's so much more to thinking than just saying, "Think about it." And this card will give you plenty of thinking strategies: From "Free See" to "Mindhop" to "Think Link." You'll have your students thinking about the content from all angles. Actively engage pairs with strategies such as: "Unpack," "Spin Off," and "Read/Dig." And, of course, a Think-Pair-Share SmartCard wouldn't be complete without a variety of techniques for students to share their learning or responses. Use "Mask," "Secret Show," and "Sculpture" to transform your classroom into an information super-sharing highway. TPS • $4
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