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Cooperative Learning

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Kagan Structures Flip Chart
Quickly flip to the next Kagan Structure you'll use in your class. This flip chart serves as a terrific visual reminder of the steps of 30 Kagan Structures. You'll have these powerful teaching strategies at your fingertips. Since the structures are step-by-step, you'll be sure to implement the structures with fidelity and maximize student success. Set this self-standing reference on your desk and flip your way to more engaging teaching! Measures 11 x 8.5 inches.
MFLKS • $29
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Kagan Structures Series
Proven Engagement Strategies
Dr. Spencer Kagan, Miguel Kagan, & Laurie Kagan (All Grades)
Kagan Structures are revolutionary teaching strategies. Why? Because they create an unparalleled level of student engagement. Kagan Structures create a cooperative and caring class tone by putting students on the same side as they interact in pairs, small teams, and with classmates. Structures ensure every student is individually accountable so no one can hide and take a free ride. Structures create equal participation, which means all students are engaged a much greater percentage of the time. In these must-have Kagan reference guides, you get step-by-step Kagan Structures you’ll use time and time again. More structures means more tools in your teaching toolbox to create more student engagement, more student learning, and more success. Watch Video Demo

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54 Kagan Structures
312 pages.
BKS4 • $39

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59 Kagan Structures
248 pages.
BKS • $39

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60 Kagan Structures
296 pages.
BKS2 • $39

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68 Kagan Structures
312 pages.
BKS3 • $39

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Kagan Structures Series Combo
Save big when you purchase all four books together.
CBKS • Regular price $156 • Combo Price $129 • Save $27!

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Instant Teambuilding and Classbuilding software covers Save!
Create engagement instantly!
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Instant Teambuilding & Classbuilding Software
Teambuilding and classbuilding have never been so easy! This software combines the ease of ready-to-use questions with the power of full interaction structures. Lead your students through teambuilding and classbuilding by simply clicking through the steps of the structures provided. Students have fun, get acquainted, and celebrate each other. Teams and classrooms become a supportive environment, optimal for learning. The Teambuilding version features Spotlight and Timed RoundRobin, two team-based interaction structures. The Classbuilding version features Mix-Pair-Share and Travel-N-Tell, two structures to promote positive classmate interactions. Choose from 20 unique question sets in each software to create teambuilding and classbuilding activities with zero prep, or make and save your own question sets. For PC, Mac, interactive whiteboards. Get both programs together and save big!
Regular price $98. Combo price $79 • CETBCB Save $19!

PC • Mac • Interactive Whiteboard
Question set screenshot
Choose Among 20
Instant Question Sets
per Software
Celebration screenshot
Create a Caring Class
with Celebrations
Travel-n-tell question screenshot
Engage Every Student
With Full Participation Structures
Spotlight question screenshot
Energize Students with
Fun-to-Discuss Questions

Software also sold separately and as site licences. Call for volume pricing.

Instant Teambuilding software cover
• Spotlight
• Timed RoundRobin
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Instant Classbuilding software cover
• Mix-Pair-Share
• Travel-N-Tell
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Classbuilding book cover Hot List!
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Miguel Kagan, Laurie Kagan, & Dr. Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
Create a caring, cooperative class through energizing classbuilding activities! This bestseller includes step-by-step instructions, hints, variations, 100s of activities, and ready-to-use blackline masters for each of 10 favorite cooperative, classbuilding structures like: Mix-N-Match, Stir-the-Class, and Who Am I. A must for the block schedule. Students are quickly and immediately energized—ready to tackle any curriculum. If you want to promote a positive class atmosphere with fun and easy activities, this is the source! 208 pages.
BKC • $29
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TCB product imageClassbuilding SmartCard
Hold the power and simplicity of classbuilding in your hands! Create a caring, cooperative classroom using energizing, classbuilding strategies. Students get out of their seats and have the opportunity to interact with their classmates in a positive way. This SmartCard provides the rationale for classbuilding, and a step-by-step description of 11 fun and practical classbuilding strategies for your class, including: Corners, Find Someone Who, Inside-Outside Circle, Mix-N-Match, Similarity Groups, Stir-the-Class, and Who Am I. TCB • $4
See Entire Collection of SmartCards. Save on the Teacher Toolbox!

Teambuilding book cover
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Laurie Kagan, Miguel Kagan, & Dr. Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
When students have the desire and ability to work together as a team, something magical happens—Together Everyone Achieves More! Students like working together, academic achievement goes up, and discipline problems become a thing of the past. Includes step-by-step instructions, hints, variations, over 100 teambuilding activities and ready-to-use blackline masters for each of 14 favorite teambuilding structures like: Fan-N-Pick, Team Interview, and Placemat Consensus. Promote a positive class and team atmosphere in your classroom, and watch as your students work together in harmony. 232 pages.
BKT • $29
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TTB product imageTeambuilding SmartCard
Have all the wonders of teambuilding at your fingertips! Build students' will to work together and their cooperative teamwork skills using empowering teambuilding strategies. Give students the opportunity to interact with their teammates in a positive way. Build teams in which Together Everyone Achieves More! This SmartCard provides the rationale for teambuilding and a step-by-step description of 14 fun and practical teambuilding strategies for your class, including: 4S Brainstorming, Find-the-Fiction, Match Mine, Pairs Compare, Team Interview, and Team Project. TTB • $4
See Entire Collection of SmartCards. Save on the Teacher Toolbox!

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Teambuilding & Classbuilding Combo
Receive the Teambuilding and Classbuilding SmartCards FREE, when you purchase the Teambuilding and Classbuilding books as a combo! Regular price $66. CTB1 • $58 Save $8!

CTBCC product imageSave!
Teambuilding & Classbuilding Class Combo
Includes: 1) Two books: Classbuilding and Teambuilding, 2) Eight Sets of Classbuilding Learning Chips, 3) Eight Sets of Teambuilding Learning Chips, 4) Teambuilders Learning Cubes Class Set of Eight. Regular price $178. Combo price $139 • CTBCC Save $39!

Classbuilding Questions book cover

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Classbuilding Questions
(All Grades)
Create a fun and friendly classroom environment through positive classmate interactions. Students receive question cards with fun-to-discuss prompts. Students mix in the class, ask their classmates questions, and share their own responses. The activities are a great way to energize students, have fun, and get acquainted with their classmates. The activities transform the classroom from a group of strangers to a tight-knit classroom unit—the ideal environment for learning! Question topics include: Getting To Know You, Icebreakers, Sports, If…, and many more. You receive 20 sets of 20 question cards—400 in all. Question cards are also great for teambuilding, energizers, and brain breaks. 184 pages. BQCB • $24
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Teambuilding Questions book cover

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Teambuilding Questions
(All Grades)
Teambuilding activities are a great way to build positive student interactions and pave the way to successful teamwork on academic content. Teambuilding is a snap with these ready-to-copy question cards. Each team receives their own set of question cards. Teammates ask and respond to questions they love to talk about. Question topics include: What Would You Do If…, Hobbies, Should Kids…, Getting Acquainted, and many more. There are 20 sets of 20 questions totaling 400—plenty of content for quick and easy teambuilding activities all year round. Question cards are also great for classbuilding, energizers, and brain breaks. 176 pages.
BQTB • $24
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