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Brain-Friendly Teaching - Tools, Tips, & Structures
Become a brain-friendly teacher! Put the power of brain research and theory to work in your classroom. Your students will learn more, learn more quickly, retain and recall more, and like learning more. Dr. Kagan's extensively-researched book distills the world of brain science into 6 essential principles that will align your teaching with how your students' brains naturally learn. For each of the 6 brain-based principles, you will find practical tools, tips, and structures to easily make the leap from theory to practice. Teaching is so much easier and more successful when you do it the brain-friendly way. 528 pages. BKBF • $44
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Brain-Friendly Teaching
Table of Contents

  • Principle 1: Nourishment
  • Principle 2: Safety
  • Principle 3: Social
  • Principle 4: Emotion
  • Principle 5: Attention
  • Principle 6: Stimuli
  • Structures
  • 27 Brain-Friendly Kagan Instructional Strategies to Make Learning Come Alive.
  • 60 Research-Based Tools to Transform Brain Science into Good Teaching.
  • The Most Extensively Referenced Book on Brain-Friendly Teaching—over 1,000 References!
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Become a Brain-Friendly Teacher with These Tools, Tips, and Structures!

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Brain-Friendly Teaching
Tools for Each of
the 6 Principles!

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Practical Ideas and
Ready-to-Use Activities!

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27 Kagan Structures With Connections to Brain-Friendly Teaching Principles

Loaded with Terrific Tips
  • To promote performance, celebrate or praise before performance. To cement memory, celebrate or praise after performance.
  • Allow yourself to be silly with your students from time to time.
  • Practice progressive muscle relaxation with your class and use the technique before big tests or other times of high stress.
Take a Closer Look

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Table of Contents
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Sample Structures
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Sample Blacklines
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“Spencer Kagan's Brain-Friendly Teaching book is the best book of its kind, though there may not be any other book of its kind. It is the most readable and research anchored that I have seen. The cited research is intriguingly presented and all the activities dovetail well. The reader should see the importance of brain research and be intrigued with same. The book is the best imaginable text for university pedagogy courses, especially in that it is clearly a book teachers can take with them into their teaching assignments; In fact, that they would feel compelled to take with them. Any teacher who relinquishes the book clearly doesn't get what being a teacher requires. A Magnum Opus.....”

Frank Lyman

“While more and more educators are becoming aware of the general implications of neuroscience research for educational practice, there has been little written about what it actually looks like in the daily life of teachers. Kagan's Brain-Friendly Teaching does a fantastic job of meeting this need. Here you'll find a cornucopia of practical strategies all based on clearly delineated research. Be prepared for a fabulous resource. Your students will thank you!”

Dr. Patricia Wolf, Ed.D

“Spencer Kagan's new book, Brain-Friendly Teaching, is an engaging, well-organized, thoroughly researched, and visually appealing book chock full of useful and effective teaching strategies. Any teachers interested in promoting a brain-friendly classroom will definitely want to add this valuable book to their collection.”

Dr. David A. Sousa

“Brain-Friendly Teaching summarizes recent neuroscience research and offers educators hundreds of powerful tools and teaching tips aligned with how our students' brains learn naturally. Dr. Spencer Kagan outlines six, easy-to-understand, 'Brain-Friendly Principles.' Within each Principle, Dr. Kagan provides theoretical and empirical rationale and then hundreds of Tips, Tools, and Structures that can transform both teaching and learning and make classroom instruction dramatically more efficient.”

Martha Kaufeldt

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