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Social Studies

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U.S. Social Studies book coverU.S. Social Studies
Engaging Cooperative Learning Activities
Stefanie McKoy (Grades 3–5)
Make U.S. history fun for students with this extensive collection of engaging activities. You'll find activity after activity arranged by U.S. themes and eras: Native Americans, American Colonies, American Revolution, Historical Documents, Formation of a New Government, Westward Expansion, Civil War and Reconstruction, Industrialization, World Wars I and II, Great Depression, National Symbols. Use Find Someone Who to have students pair with many partners to answer questions about the Revolution. Use Think-Write-RoundRobin to have students share with teammates their writing about the dangers of the Pony Express. Play Showdown in teams to respond to questions about the Constitution. Move beyond the textbook and dive deep into U.S. history with these interactive activities, all based on engaging Kagan Structures. Loaded with reproducibles. 240 pages. BMUS • $29
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Engaging Youth Groups book cover Engaging Youth Groups
Building Community. Developing Leaders. Achieving Greatness.
Karen Kettle (All Grades)
If you lead or are involved with a youth group of any kind, this book is a must have! When youth are engaged around a common purpose that holds personal meaning, great things happen. Standing together, youth can create a caring community, develop shared goals, work as a team to overcome challenges, and lead the charge to success. As leaders of youth, we can design activities and provide opportunities for young people to develop their potential. This book is your guide to building a powerful youth group—whether it is a student government, after-school club, sports team, or community organization. You'll find engaging activities to create group identity and ownership, build relationships, brainstorm ideas, and make cooperative decisions. Plus, you'll find ideas and activities to help your youth develop leadership skills and take an active role in uniting their school, team, organization, or community. Don't leave anything to chance. Engage and inspire your youth to make a positive difference. 368 pages. BKEYG • $34
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U.S. Geography book coverU.S. Geography
Engaging Cooperative Learning Activities
Stefanie McKoy (Grades 3–5)
Learning U.S. geography just got a whole lot more fun and interactive! Students play Quiz-Quiz-Trade to identify states on their partners' quiz cards. They "Find Someone Who" knows the capitals of the states in a region. They have a team "Showdown" to respond to map skills questions. The first section is a reference guide to the Kagan Structures used throughout the activities. Next come activities for students to reflect on the five themes of geography. Then there are tons of activities on states and capitals, conveniently organized by region. Next is a section full of activities for developing map reading skills, including elements of a map, cardinal directions, and latitude and longitude. You'll even find state report activities to deepen thinking about the state and cement important information. Make U.S. geography unforgettable with these cooperative and engaging activities. 304 pages. BMUSG • $29
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Adventures Through World History! book cover Adventures Through World History!
Activities to Engage ALL Students

Rickey Millwood (Grades 7–12)
Make world history an adventure. This book offers activity ideas galore to address students' various learning styles. Students will make posters, draw political cartoons, sing songs, conduct research, create graphs, and role-play events. With these meaningful activities, students are more engaged, more motivated to learn, and more immersed in world history. The book is loaded with great ideas to surpass the Global Studies Standards. The 20 chapters span from Ancient Egypt (4000 BC) to recent events in the modern world. The 100 time-saving reproducible blackline masters come complete with a student-friendly description of the historical topic or period to provide context and meaning. 192 pages.
BMHW • $34
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American History book coverAmerican History
All Aboard!

By Rickey Millwood, Diane Theo, Tracy Taylor (Grades 4–7)
Take your students on a journey through American History. You'll find more than 1,500 activity ideas to engage your students' multiple intelligences for every period of U.S. history: from early exploration and colonization to entering the 21st Century. With 128 reproducible activities that span the eight intelligences, you'll have your students explore history from multiple perspectives while making the content accessible to your different learners. Students use vocabulary terms to write a story about cowboys and cattle drives, perform a Native American dance, compare and contrast the British and Continental Armies, pen a peace treaty after World War I, write a newspaper report on the death of President Lincoln, create a postage stamp on America's space program, draw a political cartoon about high gasoline prices, sequence events that led to the end of the Confederacy, do a team presentation on the Prohibition, create a timeline of New Deal programs. Includes formative assessment questions for each chapter to ensure students are "getting it." 224 pages. BMHA • $34
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Experience U.S. History! book cover
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Experience U.S. History!
Activities to Engage ALL Students

Rickey Millwood (Grades 8–12)
Over 1,000 activity ideas to make U.S. History engaging and experiential. The activities revolve around students' multiple intelligences to make history interesting and exciting for students with all intelligences and learning styles. Students create posters, draw cartoons, sing songs, create graphs, and relive historical events. From life and events in early America to recent events in our nation's history, you'll never be short of ideas to make history come alive for your class. The 84 time-saving reproducible blackline masters come complete with a description of the historical topic or period to provide context and meaning. Make history an unforgettable experience. 176 pages.
BMHU • $34
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Cooperative Learning and Social Studies book coverCooperative Learning & Social Studies
Towards Excellence & Equity

Tom Morton & John Myers (Grades 6–12)
Year, this book is an excellent guide for making social studies exciting and active, while covering course content. This book will show you how to use cooperative learning strategies to make your social studies classroom come alive. Each of the 24 cooperative strategies includes an in-depth description, steps, activity ideas to use the strategy with other social studies content, and a lesson with ready-to-use blackline masters. Lessons are designed to teach the themes recommended by the National Council of Social Studies including issues, geography, historical events, historical characters, and current events. Also includes how to get started, how to manage the cooperative social studies class, what to do for assessment and evaluation. A favorite for middle and high school social studies teachers! 220 pages.
BMSS • $29
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Mix-N-Match Social Studies book cover
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Mix-N-Match Social Studies
(Grades 4–9)
Teach popular social studies concepts with dynamic learning games. Students each get a Mix-N-Match card related to the topic. They move about the room quizzing each other and trading Mix-N-Match cards. You call, "Freeze!" They then rush to find a partner with the matching card. "What is the capital of my state?" "What landform is this?" Students enjoy mixing and matching so much, they hardly realize they are repeatedly quizzing each other and mastering the content. Book includes reproducible Mix-N-Match card sets for: famous Americans, famous places, fire safety, geography vocabulary, historical events, holidays, inventions, landforms, state geography, states and capitals, Bill of Rights, world geography. 208 pages. BXSS • $19
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Multiple Intelligences and Cooperative Learning book coverWrite! Social Studies
Multiple Intelligences & Cooperative Learning
Writing Activities

Virginia DeBolt (Grades 4–9)
Writing is thinking! Get your students writing and thinking about social studies with this collection of ready-to-use writing activities. Students delve deep into social studies issues as they work cooperatively with teammates on activities like writing the correspondence of two historical characters, publishing and sharing political cartoons, and discussing and writing about famous historical quotations. Activities incorporate the multiple intelligences. Writing activities are perfect to start the class, introduce a new concept, end the unit, or use as a sponge activity. Book includes 36 cooperative writing activities with ready-to-use reproducible activity pages, and a brief description of dozens of cooperative learning techniques. 140 pages. BDSS • $24
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