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Cooperative Learning

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Kagan Cooperative Learning
Dr. Spencer Kagan & Miguel Kagan (All Grades)
The book that started it all—is completely revised! Why would the Kagans update a classic that has sold nearly half a million copies? The answer: So much has changed! Cooperative Learning today is different. This new book presents today's most successful cooperative learning methods. The Kagans make it easier than ever to boost engagement and achievement. You'll still find all the practical and proven Kagan Structures, including Numbered Heads Together, RoundTable, and Three-Step Interview—direct from the man who invented cooperative learning structures. And there's still plenty of ready-to-do teambuilding and classbuilding activities to make your class click. But in this expanded edition, you will find new step-by-step structures, hundreds of helpful management tips, many more teacher-friendly activities and forms, and up-to-date research on proven methods. You hear how schools have used Kagan Cooperative Learning to boost academics, close the achievement gap, improve student relations, and create a more kind and caring school community. After decades of training and working with hundreds of thousands of teachers, Kagan has refined and perfected the most widely used and respected form of cooperative learning ever. The Kagans make it easy for you to dramatically increase engagement and achievement in your class! 480 pages.
BKCLW • $44

  • The World-Wide Best Seller on CL
  • Nearly One Million Copies Sold!
  • 100 Co-op Structures and 1000s of Activities
  • For All Grades and Content Areas

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Unlock the Door to
Cooperative Learning Success!

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Brand New
Structures Section

All New Projects
and Activities!

Completely Revised
and Revamped!

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Table of Contents
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Table of Structures
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Back Cover
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“Teachers, teacher educators, staff developers, and administrators will find this an invaluable resource for taking the step from enthusiasm about cooperative learning in theory to implementing cooperative learning in the classroom.”
—Robert Slavin, Johns Hopkins University

“Teachers and interested educators will find this book to be an absolute must for their libraries.”
—David Johnson, University of Minnesota

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Kagan Structures Digital Display software coverLead your students step-by-step through powerful structures!
Kagan Structures Digital Display Software
(All Grades)
You click your mouse or touch your whiteboard. Immediately your students see and hear the screen flip to the next step of your favorite Kagan Structure, 29 structures in all! With your Structures Digital Display, you effortlessly lead your students through Kagan Structures proven to boost engagement and learning. Each structure includes an illustrated slide and step-by-step instructions. A great visual reminder for you and your students! Use this visual display to create full student engagement step-by-step!
For PC and Mac. Single user EKS • $99
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PC & Mac & Interactive Whiteboard

Lead Your Students Step-By-Step Through Powerful Structures


Kagan Structures Digital Display Software
Site license available in 10-user license. EKS10 • $690 Save $300
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures MiniBook cover
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Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures MiniBook
Dr. Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
The Big Picture in a MiniBook! Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures have revolutionized the way tens of thousands of teachers teach. Students achieve remarkable academic gains and acquire a range of social skills. Discipline problems disappear. And teaching and learning are fun! Too good to be true? No. The data is in! This MiniBook reveals the secret to success. With no change in your curriculum, and with no special materials, you will transform your class and your career. It's easy! Read this MiniBook and join the instructional revolution. 88 pages. 5" x 7" MiniBook.
BKMBC • $14 • Only $9 when ordering 20 or more for your staff.
Look What’s Inside!

Small Book, BIG Ideas! 5" x 7" • Full Color • Case Bound book.
Kagan MiniBook
  • The MiniBook version of the worldwide best seller, Kagan Cooperative Learning!
  • Transform every lesson with 5 powerful Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures!
  • Discover 7 key concepts that ensure success.
  • Review research studies demonstrating increased achievement, enhanced social skills, and radically reduced discipline problems.

TSC product imageKagan Cooperative Learning
Structures for Engagement SmartCard

Included in this tri-fold SmartCard are 27 of Kagan's very best cooperative learning structures. With these structures, you won't have to worry if your cooperative learning lessons respect the principles known to increase student achievement and improve social relations. These simple, yet powerful structures always work because the basic principles are built in! The structures are easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, fun, and engaging. Students love them. Achievement increases. Let them work for you. TSC • $4
See Entire Collection of SmartCards. Save on the Teacher Toolbox!

TKC product imageCooperative Learning SmartCard
Kagan's approach to cooperative learning is summarized in this colorful, laminated SmartCard. We highly recommend this handy little quick-reference card to anyone purchasing the book, Kagan Cooperative Learning. On the front of the card, you'll pick up tips on how to tighten up your cooperative learning lessons using PIES. On the center spread, you'll find Kagan's 7 Key Concepts to successful cooperative learning. It includes the answers to the most frequently asked questions about using Kagan. On the back of the card, there's a list of Kagan Structures to assist you in lesson planning. Need a structure for introducing your lesson? Or how about one that engages the visual/spatial intelligence? Or want a teambuilding or classbuilding structure idea? Kagan Structures are categorized for you to make lesson planning a snap. TKC • $4
See Entire Collection of SmartCards. Save on the Teacher Toolbox!

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Cooperative Learning Teacher’s Kit
Get a terrific discount when you purchase the most popular cooperative learning teacher resources together as a Combo. Combo includes:
1) Kagan Cooperative Learning Book
2) Selector Spinner
3) Three SmartCards: Cooperative Learning, Classroom Management Cooperative Learning, and Cooperative Learning Structures.
$52 • CCLT8 Save $7!

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