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Give Us A Chance book coverGive Us a Chance
Dr. Spencer Kagan (Grades PreK–3)
A story about a boy, a bear, and their adventures. Give your children a chance to experience this delightful picture book. A little love, freedom, and friendship unlock a world of joyful experiences from spaceship rides to swimming with the whales. 32 pages.
BKGU • $7
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Edward the Emu & Edwina the Emu
Sheena Knowles (Grades PreK–3)
Edward the Emu was sick of the zoo. There was nowhere to go, there was nothing to do. So Edward sets off searching for the best life. He returns to find quite a surprise. In the sequel, Edwina lays ten new eggs and looks for a job for an emu. 32 pages each.

Edward the Emu book cover

Edward the Emu

DWKEE • $9

Edwina the Emu book cover

Edwina the Emu

DWKED • $9

The Crayon Box That Talked book cover
The Crayon Box that Talked
Shane DeRolf (Grades PreK–3)
There was once a box of crayons that just couldn't get along. Yellow didn't like Red, and neither, for that matter, did Green. Blue pointed out that something was very wrong. But something very right begins to happen when a little girl takes these crayons home and begins to color with them. A simple story with an important message. 32 pages. DDCB • $13

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