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Language Arts

Cooperative Learning and Vocabulary series book covers

Cooperative Learning & Vocabulary
Stefanie McKoy
Are you looking to make your vocabulary instruction more engaging and memorable? Are you looking for a vocabulary resource that covers the full range of words and vocabulary skills prescribed by the standards? Look no further! These books provide ready-made, cooperative activities for: multiple meaning words, Greek and Latin affixes and roots, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, collective plural nouns, irregular pronouns, compound words, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, commonly misused words, and academic vocabulary. Each section includes 20 grade-appropriate vocabulary words. To master the words in each section, there are five ready-to-do activities based on Kagan Structures. Students quiz classmates using Mix-N-Match and Quiz-Quiz-Trade. Teams use and practice their vocabulary as they play Fan-N-Pick and Showdown. Partners take turns completing vocabulary worksheets using RallyCoach and Sage-N-Scribe. Students put their new vocabulary words to work as they write and share their writing using Think-Write-RoundRobin. Pick and choose a few activities per section, or use them all to ensure full mastery for everyone. This is everything you need for a highly engaging vocabulary program that covers the full range of vocabulary words and skills.

Cooperative Learning and Vocabulary Grades 2 to 3 book cover

Grades 2–3
248 pages
BMV2 • $29
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Cooperative Learning and Vocabulary Grades 4 to 5 book cover

Grades 4-5
248 pages
BMV4 • $29
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Students Love Playing Quiz-Quiz-Trade!

Rachel Lynette (Grades 2–6)
Quiz-Quiz-Trade is a student favorite! This Kagan Structure turns need-to-know curriculum into a fun and interactive quizzing game. To play, every student receives a quiz card relating to the topic. Students then pair up with a classmate. Using their cards, they quiz each other. After coaching or praising, they trade cards and set off to quiz a new classmate with their new card. The repeated practice boosts retention of the content. Memorizing important information and concepts has never been so fun! Each book is loaded with card sets on a variety of topics. Each card set includes enough ready-to-copy cards for your entire class to play.
See All Quiz-Quiz-Trade BooksWatch Video Demo

Quiz-Quiz-Trade Language Arts grades 2 to 4 book cover

Language Arts
(Grades 2-4) 192 pages
BQQLA2 • $24
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Quiz-Quiz-Trade Language Arts grade 4 to 6 book cover

Language Arts
(Grades 3-6) 200 pages
BQQLA3 • $24
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Quiz-Quiz-Trade Grammar grade 2 to 6 book cover

(Grades 2-6) 216 pages
BQQG • $24
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Quiz-Quiz-Trade Vocabulary book cover

(Grades 3-6) 192 pages
BQQV • $24
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Balanced Literacy Books

528 pages.
BSGBLK • $34
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1st Grade
400 pages.
BSGBL1 • $34
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2nd Grade
536 pages.
BSGBL2 • $34
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3rd Grade
480 pages.
BSGBL3 • $34
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4th Grade
576 pages.
BSGBL4 • $34
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5th Grade
568 pages.
BSGBL5 • $34
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Cooperative Learning and Language Arts book cover
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Cooperative Learning & Language Arts
Jeanne Stone (Grades K–8)
This is our bestselling book on cooperative learning and language arts. Jeanne has radically revised and expanded her classic. These step-by-step cooperative learning lessons integrate listening, speaking, reading, and the writing process across a variety of genres: fairy tales, fables, poetry, non-fiction, and autobiography in four domains of writing: sensory/descriptive, imaginative/narrative, practical/informative, and analytical/expository. 260 pages. BSLA • $29
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Reading & Writing Book Combo
Save big when you buy the Reading and Writing Activities books together! Regular price $48. Combo price $39 • CRW Save $9!

Books also sold seperately.

Cooperative Learning Writing Activities book cover
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Cooperative Learning Writing Activities
Jeanne Stone (Grades K–8)
Students love writing with these fun and exciting, step-by-step, cooperative learning writing activities. This book takes two dozen cooperative learning structures and provides over 100 proven, literature-based activities across the domains of writing. Loads of blackline masters. 184 pages.
BSW • $24
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Cooperative Learning Reading Activities book cover
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Cooperative Learning Reading Activities
Jeanne Stone (Grades K–8)
Reading comes alive through exhilarating cooperative learning. Includes all new, step-by-step, literature-based, reading activities for each of two dozen cooperative learning structures. You and your students will love these fun, successful reading activities. Includes reproducible blackline masters and tons of great ideas. 200 pages.
BSR • $24
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Save on the Language Arts Book Collection!

Empty learning chips canister image
8 Free canisters and Free storage box included with purchase of class sets of 8!

Save!Language Arts Learning Chips
Boost interaction. Boost learning. Learning Chips will have your class humming with interaction. Each set has 16 attractive, durable plastic chips. Each team lays a set of chips question-side down on their desk. One student picks a chip and reads the question. All teammates take a turn responding. The next student picks the next chip and all teammates respond. Learning Chips are a terrific way to get students interacting over the learning topic! Just place a set of chips at a team table and let the non-stop discussion begin. They run themselves as a center. Chips are also great for whole-class activities. Give each student one chip. Have them mix, pair, and ask a partner the question on their chip. They trade chips and find new partners to question. $5 each set or get 8 sets for your class for only $29. Save $11!
Top Ideas for Using Learning ChipsWatch Video Demo

Discussion learning chips image

Discussion Chips
Provocative sentence starters to encourage impassioned discussion about any topic.

Class Set of 8
CMDD • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set MDD • $5

Processing learning chips image

Processing Chips
Increase the understanding and retention of any lecture, reading, or video. After 5–10 minutes of direct input, stop and have teams use these chips to process what they've learned. By completing sentence starters such as, "I was surprised to learn…," and "In summary…," students personalize the input. They remember much more of what they share with teammates.

Class Set of 8
CMDPR • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set MDPR • $5

Reading comprehension learning chips image

Reading Comprehension Chips
Questions to critically review any reading and to develop effective reading skills.

Class Set of 8
CMDR • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set
MDR • $5

Lesson Review learning chips image

Lesson Review Chips
Wrap-up questions to review any lesson and to cement new learning.

Class Set of 8
CMDRV • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set
MDRV • $5

Paraphrase learning chips image

Paraphrase Chips
Paraphrasing gambits to promote attentive listening during any discussion or lecture.

Class Set of 8
CMDP • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set
MDP • $5

Story discussion learning chips combo

Story Discussion Chips
Questions to promote in-depth understanding of and interaction over any story.

Class Set of 8
CMDS • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set
MDS • $5

Inference learning chips image

Inference Chips
Sentence starters to develop close reading and reasoning on any reading topic.

Class Set of 8
CMDIN • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set
• $5

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