Personal & Social Skills
Activities Featuring Kagan Structures
Lisa Mitchell, Lynsy Oswald, & Sarah Walas Teed (Grades K–6)
Develop your students’ social and emotional skills with these 38 cooperative and engaging activities.
Each activity is based on a Kagan Structure. For example, students play Find Someone Who to appreciate
diversity in the classroom. The activities are divided into three main sections.
Section 1: Social Skills Development—Activities include getting along, giving
compliments, and conflict resolution.
Section 2: Emotional Intelligence—Activities provide positive guidance when students
are feeling mad, annoyed, lonely, and so on.
Section 3: Character Education—Activities explore and develop virtues such as honesty,
respect, and cooperation. Many teachers turn to Kagan because students become kinder and more socially
adept as they use Kagan Structures daily.
This book takes it to the next level with activities explicitly designed to develop students’ social
skills, character, and emotional intelligence. 128 pages. BMPS • $24
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