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Character & Emotional Intelligence

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New!Emotion-Friendly Teaching
Accelerating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)!
Dr. Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
Spencer has done it again! He’s written another must-have reference for all educators. Dr. Kagan has translated the enormous field of theory and research on emotions into a practical guide any teacher can use to make their teaching more emotion-friendly. Not only does he review the extensive research on how eliciting positive emotions boosts student achievement, Spencer provides plenty of do’s and don’ts, ready-to-use student activities, and simple tips to put students in the optimal emotional states for learning. Dr. Kagan introduces us to the Emotion Wheel, a student-friendly way to help our students understand and manage their own emotions. We not only learn why EQ can be more important than IQ to students’ success, Dr. Kagan provides a practical guide to developing the facets of EQ, including student self-knowledge, self-control, motivation, and empathy. And last, but definitely not least, we learn how to evoke emotion when we teach to make learning more meaningful and memorable. This book is your blueprint for creating the emotion-friendly classroom. 432 pages.
BKEF • $44. Look What’s Inside!

As an Emotion-Friendly Teacher You Will:

• Strengthen Memory
• Increase Motivation
• Amplify Relevance
• Enhance Meaning
• Raise Test Scores

• Improve Thinking
• Broaden Perception
• Boost Problem Solving
• Expand Creativity
• Elevate IQ + EQ!


Emotion Wheel Poster also sold separately. PEW • $7
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Personal and Social Skills book coverPersonal & Social Skills
Activities Featuring Kagan Structures
Lisa Mitchell, Lynsy Oswald, & Sarah Walas Teed (Grades K–6)
Develop your students’ social and emotional skills with these 38 cooperative and engaging activities. Each activity is based on a Kagan Structure. For example, students play Find Someone Who to appreciate diversity in the classroom. The activities are divided into three main sections.

Section 1: Social Skills Development—Activities include getting along, giving compliments, and conflict resolution.
Section 2: Emotional Intelligence—Activities provide positive guidance when students are feeling mad, annoyed, lonely, and so on.
Section 3: Character Education—Activities explore and develop virtues such as honesty, respect, and cooperation. Many teachers turn to Kagan because students become kinder and more socially adept as they use Kagan Structures daily.

This book takes it to the next level with activities explicitly designed to develop students’ social skills, character, and emotional intelligence. 128 pages. BMPS • $24
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Activities That Build Character and Community book coverCharacter Quotations
Activities That Build Character and Community
Tom Lickona & Matt Davidson (Grades 3–8)
From preeminent character education advocates comes a surprisingly simple, yet powerful approach to building good character—through quotations. Exploring quotations about specific virtues and character is a wonderful way to share with students the wisdom of the ages and the importance of developing good character. One virtue is highlighted for each of 36 weeks. Each virtue-of-the-week includes 5 reproducible quote-of-the-day pages, ideal for making a transparency of the quote or posting it on a bulletin board to share with students. Each week also includes a teacher's guide for the virtue with a kid-friendly definition of the virtue, reflection questions for each quote, action assignments for the week, and a full-page, reproducible illustration of the virtue in action. Includes special chapter on cooperative structures to promote interaction and discussion over the quotations, virtues, and the concept of character. Build character with this ready-made character development program! 320 pages. BLDC • $29
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Portraits of Character Combo book covers

Portraits of Character Combo
Claudia Cangilla McAdam et al. (Grades 3–8)
Develop your students' character through positive role models. In each of these two books, there are 24 reproducible stories of people who exemplify positive character attributes. Some stories are about well-known individuals, celebrated for their positive contributions to others, to society, and to the world. Many stories focus on everyday heroes: ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. People who rise to the occasion. People who sacrifice personal safety for the sake of others or dedicate their lives to a worthy cause. Both celebrities and everyday heroes serve as positive role models for students. Each portrait includes a teacher guide that highlights the desirable traits, including thinking questions and writing ideas about the story and character. 148 pages each. Regular price $38. Combo price $32 • CPOC

Books also sold separately.

Portraits of Character Book 1 cover

Book 1
BMP1 • $19
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  Portraits of Character Book 2 cover

Book 2
BMP2 • $19
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Emotional Intelligence SmartCard coverEmotional Intelligence SmartCard
Boost your students' Emotional Intelligence with this SmartCard. In this colorful 17" x 11" quick-reference card, you will find everything you need to get started with emotional intelligence. It includes an understandable synopsis of valuable information you'll be "happy" to know about including the origin of EQ, Emotional Intelligence defined, the 5 dimensions of EQ, the rationale for building students' EQ, and the most important implications for teachers. Inside, the 5 dimensions are described in detail, and practical classroom suggestions are provided. On the back, you will find 17 emotion activity ideas that you can use with the hundreds of emotions listed from A to Z! You and your students will be ecstatic, elated, empowered, enthralled, excited, exhilarated, and exuberant as you explore the world of emotions with this little gem. TEI • $4
See Entire Collection of SmartCards. Save on the Teacher Toolbox!

Character Education SmartCard coverCharacter Education SmartCard
Help your students develop character virtues! In this SmartCard, you will find the answers to some frequently asked questions relating to character education: What is character education? Why should schools teach for character? Shouldn't parents teach for character? Won't teaching character virtues interfere with academics? You will find an A to Z list of nearly 100 virtues to choose from in developing your own character development program. Share with your students the descriptions of the dozen core virtues. And use the wealth of ideas and activities to develop character in your class and school, including how to integrate character into your curriculum. This quick-reference card is another great SmartCard you'll want to keep within arm's reach. TCE • $4
See Entire Collection of SmartCards. Save on the Teacher Toolbox!

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Personal and Social Skills Higher-Level Thinking Questions book coverPersonal & Social Skills
Higher-Level Thinking Questions

(Grades 3–12)
Stretch your students' interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences with these ready-to-use questions and activities. This book is brimming with questions on topics such as: All About Me, All About School, Esteem Building, Emotional Intelligence, Lying, Manners, Multiple Intelligences, My Favorites, Sticky Situations, and more! Questions are designed to promote higher-level thinking and interaction on a range of personal and social skills issues: "If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be? Why? Who is your favorite musical group? If you were going to write a magazine article about the band, what would you say? Attitudes are contagious. Do your friends drag you down or bring you up?" Questions are provided in convenient reproducible question card format, perfect for a variety of engaging cooperative discussion formats provided and journal writing. Boost your students' EQ with these provocative questions and activities. 160 pages.
BQP • $19
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Developing Character Higher-Level Thinking Questions book coverDeveloping Character
Higher-Level Thinking Questions

(Grades 3–12)
Respect! Responsibility! Integrity! Honesty! How do you develop these valued character traits? In this book of questions, you will find hundreds of questions, quotations, and dilemmas to explore and develop character. Use quotations by famous folks as a springboard for writing and discussing, such as the following by Anne Frank: "The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. Why is your character ultimately your own responsibility?" Use dilemmas to have students evaluate their own values and behaviors: "If someone doesn't treat you with the respect you deserve, would you treat them with the respect they don't deserve? Why or why not?" And have students examine their own traits and those of others with provocative questions such as: "Are there ever situations where it is best to say something you don't believe?" Questions are provided in convenient reproducible question card format, perfect for the engaging cooperative questioning activities provided. 160 pages.
BQCD • $19
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Developing Character CD & Lyrics Packet
Clint Klose & Larry Wolfe
Teach character through music! Music touches our hearts and our souls. And now, you can use music to help your students develop positive character traits that will serve them for life. Your students will enjoy singing these whimsical lyrics set to well-known children's tunes. Students sing to learn about citizenship, compassion, cooperation, courage, friendship, honesty, perseverance, pride, respect and wisdom. Each set includes a CD and a reproducible lyrics packet.

Developing Character CD and Lyrics Packet cover

(Grades K–2)
35 Tracks, 36 minutes. LCP • $16

♪ Click here to see Track Info

Developing Character CD and Lyrics Packet cover

(Grades 3–6)
32 Tracks, 57 minutes. LCI • $16

♪ Click here to see Track Info

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