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Student Selector Spinners Student Selector Spinners
Keep everyone on their toes! Be sure everyone is participating! Give the Student Selector a spin. It automatically selects one student from each team even if you have different sized teams working at once! Select one student from each pair, triad, or team of four or five to respond to your question, start the team project, or fill a role such as Materials Monitor. The randomness of the spin ensures that everyone is participating about equally, and it keeps everyone on their toes because students never know who is going to be called on next. This little management tool has been a longtime bestseller! Class set of 8.
CSS • $12

Single Student Selector Spinner MSSC • $2

MSNHT product image Numbered Heads Together
Transparency Spinner

Place the spinner on the overhead projector, give it a spin, and Numbered Heads becomes more fun for your students. The spinner selects the number of the student in each team to share with the class, adding excitement and equal opportunity. A favorite for primary teachers because of the easy-to-read numbers. MSNHT • $2

MSTSS product imageSelector Spinner
Select a student with the Student Selector. Select a team with the Team Selector. Or select any student on any team by giving both spinners a whirl. A terrific teacher tool to equalize student selection and to keep everyone accountable for learning.
MSTSS • $3

MSA product image

Save!Addition Spinners Combo
Students generate random addition problems with their Addition Spinners! No need for textbooks or worksheets. Students just spin the two spinners and add up the numbers. Spin 'em twice or more and create multiple-digit problems for more advanced addition. Ideas and activities on the back. Combo includes 8 spinners. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSA Save $8!

Single Addition Spinner MSA • $3

MSMC product imagesave iconMaking Cents Spinners

If your students are having trouble making heads or tails out of coins, it's time for some change! Help them make sense (and make cents) out of this essential math skill. Your students will learn to identify coins by both the "heads" and "tails" side, the names and cent values of the most common coins, to write the coins as cents (25¢) and as dollar values ($0.25). The spinners work great to generate problems for adding coins, subtracting coins, and the ever-essential life skill—making change. Students can play alone, quiz a partner, or work together in small teams. As a method of learning money and change, the Making Cents Spinners are priceless! Combo includes eight spinners. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSMC Save $8!

Single Making Cents Spinner MSMC • $3

MSPV product imageSave!
Place Value Spinners Combo
An entire number curriculum built into a spinner! Teach your students to recognize, write, and build numbers from 0 to 9,999. Start with the Ones spinner and watch your students work their way up to the Tens, Hundreds, then Thousands. Each new spin creates a new number for students to identify, write, or build with manipulatives. When your students are ready for decimals, just place a penny between spinners and suddenly you can teach decimal place value in tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and ten thousandths! Also works great to teach rounding off. Students spin a number and round it off to the nearest 0, 10, 100, or 1,000. Multi-functional and multi-fun. Combo includes eight spinners. Regular price $40. Combo price $25 • CMSPV Save $15!

Single Place Value Spinner MSPV • $5

MSM product imageSave!
Multiplication Spinners Combo
Your students will spin their way to multiplication mastery! The Multiplication Spinners are like flashcards, only better. They're fun. They're interactive. And you won't ever run out of problems. Your students simply spin the arrows to create an endless array of multiplication problems. Great for quizzing a partner. Excellent for generating problems to build with manipulatives. Watch your students work their way up to multiple-digit problems with multiple spins. Combo includes eight spinners, one for each team. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSM Save $8!

Single Multiplication Spinner MSM • $3

MSO product imageSave!
O’Clock Combo
What time is it? It's O'Clock time! With the O'Clock, your students will learn how to tell time, write time, and build time—all in no time! When you put the O'Clock in your students' hands, time will be on their side. Have students take turns quizzing each other: one student randomly sets the movable hands to a new time. His or her partner reads what time it is. Have a showdown at the O'Clock Corral. In a small team, one student randomly sets a time and places the O'Clock in the center of the table. Everyone on the team writes out the time, "Three thirty-one." At the command, "Showdown," everyone shows their answer. The Showdown Captain makes sure everyone got the correct answer. The next Showdown Captain runs the next round. A terrific tool you will use time and time again. Combo includes eight clocks. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSO Save $8!

Single O’Clock Spinner MSO • $3

MSSH product imageSave!
Shape Selector Spinners Combo
Watch your students' learning take shape! With these fun spinners, your students will learn shape names, draw the shape selected by the spinner, write shape names, create shape patterns, or count shape sides! If shapes are part of your math curriculum, add this fun series of activities to help students master shape-ology. You'll find stars and polished diamonds in your circle of students. It's hip to be square! Combo includes eight spinners. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSSH Save $8!

Single Shape Selector Spinner MSSH • $3

MSQQD product image

The Question Transparency Spinners
Place this transparent double spinner on the overhead, give it a spin, and your classroom is converted into a lean, mean thinking machine! The spinners randomly generate 36 questions—"How Will?," "How Might?," "Who Will?," "Who Might?" Excellent question starters for all types of thinking. A great way to integrate higher-level thinking across the curriculum.
MSQQD • $4
Save on the Dice Combo!

MSQS product imageSave!Question Spinners Combo
Each team receives their own colorful Question Spinners. A teammate gives the spinners a whirl and randomly generates one of 36 possible question starters across the levels of thinking—"What Is?," "How Might?," "What Would?," and "Why Can?" Use the Question Spinners before a lesson to have students generate questions about what they want to learn, during a lesson to create thinking about the content, and after the lesson for reflection on what was learned. Students are so absorbed asking and answering their own questions that you are free to circulate from team to team for authentic assessment. Spanish version also available. Includes class set of eight spinners and storage pack.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CQS Save $8! (Spanish C2QS • $16)

MSV product image

Save! Vocabulary Spinner Combo
Expand your students' vocabulary! Improve their ability to work together successfully. The Vocabulary Spinner leads small teams through an effective cooperative process for learning new vocabulary words. Students each write down the vocabulary word and think about the meaning. The spinner randomly selects a student to look up the word in a dictionary. Everyone writes the dictionary definition. After think time, another student is randomly selected to paraphrase the definition. Finally, everyone thinks about how to use the word in a sentence, writes their sentences, and then one student, selected by the spinner, shares his or her sentence with the team. Use this spinner to make vocabulary fun and involving for ALL students. With the Vocabulary Spinner, your students learn a lot more than just words! Combo includes eight spinners. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSV Save $8!

Single Vocabulary Spinner MSV • $3

MSAL product imageSave! Alphabet Spinners Combo
Fun while learning the ABCs is the name of the game when your students spin the Alphabet Spinners! Have students give a spinner a twirl and say the letter the arrow lands on, practice phonics, or printing or handwriting the letter. Develop your students' linguistic skills with fun language exercises. Have students brainstorm words, nouns, verbs, or adjectives that start with the selected letter. Students can spin a letter to write terrific tongue twisters! Students spin both spinners to create word combinations. Students can play alone, quiz a partner, or hold a "Showdown at ABC Corral." Learning the alphabet has never been so much fun! Also great for ESL and foreign language learning. Combo includes eight spinners.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSAL Save $8!

Single Alphabet Spinner MSAL • $3

MSC product imageSave!Contraction Spinners Combo
Set your contractions in action! Students spin both spinners, then make a contraction out of the two words selected. Each new spin randomly generates two words students convert into a contraction. They + Have = They've. We + Will = We'll. You + Are = You're. Contraction Spinners help students master 24 pronoun contractions, contraction rules, contraction spelling, and pronoun/verb agreement. Students can make contractions in rapid-fire succession, use their contractions in a sentence, work alone, quiz a partner, or hold competitions to determine the "Contraction Champion of the World!" You'll (You + Will) be amazed at how quickly they'll (They + Will) learn! Combo includes eight spinners. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSC Save $8!

Single Contraction Spinner MSC • $3

MSIS product imageSave! Idea Spinner Combo
Your students are reading social studies, science, or literature. They stop. Each team then gives their own colorful Idea Spinner a spin. Teammates never know who will be called on—the Idea Spinner selects a student in each team to either give an idea or quiz a teammate as they summarize, predict, explain, or evaluate. Students love it! A wonderful energizer to be used for higher-level thinking with any content. Includes class set of eight spinners and storage pack.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CIS Save $8!

Single Idea Spinner MSIS • $3

Transparent Idea Spinner MSIST • $3

MSSNT product imageSave Spin-N-Think Spinner Combo
Your students will ask questions, generate ideas, paraphrase, praise, and discuss ideas as they play Spin-N-Think. Each team receives their own colorful Spin-N-Think game. The game has built-in instructions and practically runs itself. Spin-N-Think is designed to be played with our Higher-Level Thinking Question Cards or any set of open-ended thought questions. Played with any number of questions by teams of 2, 3, 4, or 5 students. This simple game produces in-depth thinking on any topic! Includes class set of eight spinners and storage pack.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CSNT Save $8!

Single Spin-N-Think Spinner - MSSNT • $3

Transparent Spin-N-Think Spinner - MSSNTT • $3

Save!CMSE product imageSpinners for ESL and Language Learning Combo
Watch your ESL students spin their way to command of color names, contractions, shapes, the alphabet, and vocabulary. Fun and colorful, these Spinners provide an entertaining, interactive method of learning many aspects of the target language. Students can play alone, with a partner, or in groups. Regular Price $24. Combo price $16. Save $8!

ESL & Language Learning Spinner Combo
Includes 1 of each spinner pictured below. CMSE • $12 Save $3!

MSAL product image

Single Alphabet Spinner
MSAL • $3

Alphabet Spinner Combo set of 8
CMSAL • $16

MSSH product image

Single Shape Selector
MSSH • $3

Shape Selector Combo set of 8
CMSSH • $16

MSCO product image

Single Spin-A-Color
MSCO • $3

Spin-A-Color Combo set of 8
CMSCO • $16

MSV product image

Single Vocabulary Spinner
MSV • $3

Vocabulary Spinner Combo set of 8
CMSV • $16

M2SQS product image

Save!Spanish Question Spinners Combo
Each team gets their own Question Spinners. A teammate gives the spinners a whirl and randomly generates one of 36 possible question starters across the levels of thinking—¿Qué Es? ¿Cómo Podría? ¿Por Qué Puede? Use the Question Spinners before a lesson to have students generate questions about what they want to learn, during a lesson to create thinking about the content, and after the lesson for reflection on what was learned. English version also available. Combo includes 8 spinners. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • C2QS Save $8!
English version also available.

Single Spanish Question Spinners - M2SQS • $3 (English MSQS • $3)

MSSNR product image
Save! Spin-N-Review Spinner Combo
Watch as your students work together successfully. This spinner ensures that everyone participates as teams lead themselves through any set of review questions. Works great with math and science problems. Perfect for book, chapter, and unit review questions. Teammates spin the spinner to find out who asks the question, answers the question, checks the answer, and offers praise or help. Play with any number of questions by teams of 2, 3, 4, and 5 students. Includes class set of eight spinners and storage pack.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CSNR Save $8!

Single Spin-N-Review Spinner MSSNR • $3

MSMI product image Save!
Multiple Intelligences Activity Spinner Combo
Stretch your students' intelligences in many ways with the Multiple Intelligences Spinner! Use this little gem of a spinner to give your students many windows into any topic you're studying. Randomly selects one of eight MI activities you can use with just about any learning topic. Includes dozens more alternate MI activity ideas on the back. Great for MI learning centers, MI team projects, or MI sponge activities. These involving activities will make your classroom burst with energy as you match, stretch, and celebrate your students' many ways of being smart! Combo includes eight spinners.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CMSMI Save $8!

Individual Multiple Intelligences Activity Spinner MSMI • $3

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