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Administrators and Trainers

Cooperative Meetings book cover
“The ultimate resource for administrators &
staff developers!”
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Cooperative Meetings
Charting the Voyage Toward a
Community of Leaders and Learners

Dr. Spencer Kagan, Karen Kettle, Don McLean, & Chris Ward (All Grades)
Meetings are one of the few times that the faculty is together. When structured well, they become the royal road to creating a community of leaders and learners. This groundbreaking resource offers both a vision and map: It charts the course to building positive staff relationships, ongoing professional development among faculty, and empowers your faculty to make wise decisions.

Section 1: Building Relationships shows you how to improve staff relationships, build powerful staff teams, create community, and develop collaborative skills.
Section 2: Developing as Professionals shows you how to use a range of structures as an integral part of meetings to foster staff development and model improved classroom teaching.
Section 3: Making Decisions provides specific, step-by-step structures and procedures to make informed, collaborative decisions.
Section 4: Leading Meetings is your insider's guide for creating a true community of leaders and learners.

This valuable resource includes tons of blacklines to use immediately in any meeting, learning logs, meeting scenarios, and hints. It is the product of 15 years of development and field testing. Everything in this rich resource has been tried and proven. Finally, everything you need to set sail with your faculty on an enriching and fun adventure toward a community of leaders and learners. 536 pages. BKCMT • $199
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“No other resource book exists that contains such a comprehensive set of strategies to enhance learning for all.”
—Michael Fullan, world leader in learning communities for school change

Cooperative Meetings
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Charting a Course

Section 1: Building Relationships
Chapter 2: Relationships, Relationships, Relationships
Chapter 3: Structures for Building Teams
Chapter 4: Structures for Building Community
Chapter 5: Structures for Developing Collaborative Skills
Chapter 6: Initiative Tasks
Chapter 7: Cooperative Games

Section 2: Developing as Professionals
Chapter 8: Learning to Learn Together
Chapter 9: Structures for Professional Development

Section 3: Making Decisions
Chapter 10: It’s Time to Decide
Chapter 11: Structures for Decision Making

Section 4: Leading Meetings
Chapter 12: Setting Sail: Toward a Community of Leaders and Learners

Section 5: Resources and References
Chapter 13: Resources
Chapter 14: References

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Dynamic Trainer book coverDynamic Trainer
Laurie Kagan (All Grades)
Become a dynamic trainer! Regardless of who you train or what you present, you will find invaluable tips and techniques to elevate your presentations to new levels of excellence. Learn how to plan your presentations with the end in mind so you will hit the learning target every time. Discover the 4 secrets successful trainers use. Avoid common training pitfalls. Know what to say and what to do to make and maintain a good impression. Appeal to different learners with multiple intelligences training strategies. Learn power tips for using PowerPoint®, transparencies, flipcharts, handouts, and videos. Keep your audience actively involved to maximize attention and learning. Dynamic Trainer features Kagan training structures for teambuilding, classbuilding, brainstorming, processing, and reviewing information. Use these training strategies and your participants will give you terrific ratings every time.

Don't be intimidated by the large size of this trainer's handbook. It is designed with the busy trainer in mind. Each section is tabbed so it's easy to find exactly what you're looking for. The three-ring binder makes the reproducible pages easy to pull out and copy. Plus, all the information is presented in an attractive format that makes the tips easy to read.

Dynamic trainers are better prepared, more professional, more persuasive, more credible, and more interesting. Start today on your path to becoming a dynamic trainer. 392 pages. BKDT • $149
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Dynamic Visuals Book and CD-ROM cover

Dynamic Visuals Book and CD-ROM
For Dynamic Trainers
Laurie Kagan, Illustrated by Erin Kant (All Grades)
Spice up your presentations with this collection of visuals designed with the dynamic trainer in mind. Includes visuals for all your training needs. Tell your participants when break is over with, "See you later alligator, be back at…" Draw attention to important details with, "Let's take a closer look!" Attractive and humorous illustrations bring famous quotations to life. Artwork is available in black and white for handouts and in full color, ready to drop into your PowerPoint® presentations. You'll also find numerous pre-made PowerPoint® slides. Make your presentations sizzle with these dynamic visuals. 160 pages.
BKDV • $79
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Teamwork Tools book cover Teamwork Tools
A Revolutionary Approach for Managers and Trainers
Wendy C. Horikoshi & Yael Schy
With skyrocketing interdependence and teamwork in the workplace, managers and trainers are clamoring for effective teamwork strategies. This book offers exactly that: Tools for successful teamwork. If you're a corporate trainer or executive, you will find powerful teamwork tools for teambuilding, enhancing communication skills, knowledge-building, skill-building, creative thinking, problem solving, making decisions as a group, and exchanging information. Ideas and case scenarios will clarify how you can use these teamwork tools with specific training groups including: administration, customer service, finance, human resources, manufacturing, operations, research and development, sales and marketing, and information technology. Make teamwork work with Teamwork Tools! 248 pages. BHSTT • $39
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Inspirational Quotations book coverInspirational Quotations
Quotations to Inspire Leaders and Learners
Karen Kettle & Spencer Kagan (All Grades)
Wise words of the ages inspire leaders and learners alike! In this indispensable resource, insightful and motivational quotes are arranged conveniently by topic—finding the perfect quote is a dream! This quote book is unique: It provides attractively-illustrated, full-page blackline masters so you can create transparencies and bulletin boards. You'll find reflection questions, interactive activities for classes and faculty meetings, and an author index. It is a "must have" for every educator's library. Great for administrators—inspire your staff. Fantastic for classroom teachers—make quotes part of any lesson. Quotes are arranged by topics: Attitude, Challenge, Change, Character, Conflict, Creativity, Decision Making, Diversity, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Experience, Humor, Interconnectedness, Leadership, Learning, Opportunity, Perseverance, Risk, Service & Love, Success & Failure, Teaching, Vision & Goals. 312 pages. BKKIQ • $29
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EBIQ thumbnailInspirational Quotations CD-ROM
Quotations to Inspire Leaders and Learners!
You drag and drop these ready-made PowerPoint® slides into any presentation. Bingo: Instant inspiration! Use quotes to inspire your audience. John Dewey's on education. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s on character. Henry Ford's on positive attitude. 23 topics. Over 100 ready-made beautifully illustrated PowerPoint slides on teaching, learning, and leadership. The perfect quote is yours at a click of your mouse. The quotes are conveniently broken into sections so it is quick and easy to search by topic. Plus you receive all the quotes in an integrated slideshow. Motivate and educate with wise words from the sages of all ages!
EBIQ • $39

Sample Slides
Click on any slide below to enlarge.

Attitude Challenge Perseverence
Change Character Conflict
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