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ESL & Foreign Language

Spanish Flip Chart book cover

New!Kagan Structures Spanish Flip Chart
Quickly flip to the next Kagan Structure you’ll use in your class. This flip chart serves as a terrific visual reminder of the steps of 30 Kagan Structures. You’ll have these powerful teaching strategies at your fingertips. Since the structures are step-by-step, you’ll be sure to implement the structures with fidelity and maximize student success. Set this self-standing reference on your desk and flip your way to more engaging teaching! You’ll turn to this sturdy, long-lasting flip chart time and time again!
MFLKS2 • $29
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Cooperative Learning and French book coverCooperative Learning & French
Cynthia Jozin (Beginning to Intermediate)
French class has never been so engaging! Instead of listening to the teacher and doing independent paper-and- pencil practice, students interact with partners and teammates using Kagan Structures. Through creative, structured activities, students discuss, ask questions, give directions, write, quiz, interview, and coach. All of this interaction in French translates into more functional communication and more learning. Students don't just learn about French. They acquire French through meaningful use. The 15 chapters cover: community, clothes, weather, school, food, professions, daily activities, geography, time, date, music, movies, sports, verbs, and adjectives. Fully engage your French students tout de suite! 376 pages. BJF • $29
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Second Language Learning book cover
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Second Language Learning
Through Cooperative Learning
Julie High (All Grades)
Your ESL and foreign language students will be talking right away! Students love this rich array of cooperative learning games, lessons, and activities. You will promote language acquisition through a communicative approach. The book includes sections on: cooperative learning structures, social roles, getting to know you, making words mine, guided grammar experiences, writing skills, and lesson designs. 134 pages.
BHLL • $29
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Spanish: Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences Activities book coverSpanish
Cooperative Learning & Multiple Intelligences Activities
Dr. Debbie Mounts (Beginning Level)
Imagine this: A longtime Spanish teacher moves in to the class next door. You peek into her room. Students are in teams. They're having a blast. They're working on a cooperative project, practicing real-world Spanish vocabulary and grammar. Amazed, you ask, "How did you get them to do that?" She smiles knowingly and asks, "Want my lesson plans? I have them sequenced into ten chapters with 80 step-by-step lessons. Blacklines too. They also cover all the beginning grammar and vocabulary: greetings, questions, alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, occupations, time, days, months, seasons, the community, school, the body, the house, food, clothes, family, prepositions, verbs, adjectives, and much more!" Interested? 264 pages. BMS • $29
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Match Mine: Language Builder book coverMatch Mine: Language Builder
(All Grades)
Teach vocabulary and communication skills with this cooperative game. Partners sit on opposite sides of a barrier. Each has a game board and game pieces copied from this book. For example, each student receives a zoo game board and zoo animal game pieces. One student places her animals in the empty spots on the zoo game board. Now here's the challenge: Through talking only, that student must describe how she arranged her animals in the zoo so her partner can "match" the layout. As students try to make a match ("place the zebra in the bottom space that has the tree on the right side"), they must communicate clearly using the target vocabulary. Book includes 30 games focusing on must-know vocabulary including: animals, food, clothes, transportation, weather, sports, human body, and many more. 176 pages.
BMML • $19
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Second Language Learning SmartCard front page Second Language Learning SmartCard
Whether learning English as a Second Language or a World Language, having multiple opportunities to practice the target language allows for increased retention and acquisition. With this Kagan SmartCard you will have some of the best strategies to organize communication for all learners, at all levels of language acquisition. These simple, yet innovative Kagan Structures promote communication and increase language production. In the traditional classroom, students practice language only when called upon to produce language. In the classroom where the teacher uses Kagan Structures, the frequency of student communication and language practice is increased significantly. With these structures language is being practiced all over the room from the voices of the learners and not just from the teacher. Language learning becomes functional, communicative, and meaningful! TSL • $4

Spanish Higher-Level Thinking Questions book cover
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Higher-Level Thinking Questions

(All Grades)
Here are 400 ready-to-use Spanish questions covering topics in language arts, social studies, science, music, and art. Questions are organized into 25 categories such as vocabulary, historical character, current events. These reproducible question cards are the perfect way to get Spanish-speaking students to develop in-depth thinking across the curriculum. Also a great tool for advanced Spanish classes to develop speaking skills. Promote nonstop discussion with this giant collection of Spanish questions. 184 pages. BQSP • $19
Look What’s Inside!See Entire Series of Higher-Level Thinking Questions Books

ESL and Language Arts spinner combo imageSpinners for ESL and Language Learning Combo
Watch your ESL students spin their way to command of color names, contractions, shapes, the alphabet, and vocabulary. Fun and colorful, these Spinners provide an entertaining, interactive method of learning many aspects of the target language. Students can play alone, with a partner, or in groups. Regular Price $24. Combo price $12. Save $12!

ESL & Language Learning Spinner Combo
Includes 1 of each spinner pictured below. CMSE • $12 Save $3!

Alphabet Spinners image Single Alphabet Spinner
MSAL • $3
Alphabet Spinner Combo set of 8
CMSAL • $16
Shape Selector spinners image Single Shape Selector
MSSH • $3
Shape Selector Combo set of 8
CMSSH • $16
Spin-a-color image Single Spin-A-Color
MSCO • $3
Spin-A-Color Combo set of 8
CMSCO • $16

Vocabulary spinner image
Single Vocabulary Spinner
MSV • $3
Vocabulary Spinner Combo set of 8
CMSV • $16
Question spinners image

Save!Spanish Question Spinners Combo
Each team gets their own Question Spinners. A teammate gives the spinners a whirl and randomly generates one of 36 possible question starters across the levels of thinking—¿Qué Es? ¿Cómo Podría? ¿Por Qué Puede? Use the Question Spinners before a lesson to have students generate questions about what they want to learn, during a lesson to create thinking about the content, and after the lesson for reflection on what was learned. English version also available. Combo includes 8 spinners. Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • C2QS Save $8!
English version also available.

Single Spanish Question Spinners - M2SQS • $3 (English MSQS • $3)

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