Multiple Intelligences
The Complete MI Book
Dr. Spencer Kagan & Miguel Kagan (All Grades) If you're looking for
one book on multiple intelligences—this is it! This book is the single most comprehensive MI book
available. This resource is your blueprint for matching, stretching, and celebrating your students'
multiple intelligences. Move beyond theory and make MI come alive in your classroom—this book will
show you how! You will promote academic success for all your students by using fun and easy MI
strategies that match how all students learn best. Stretch your students' multiple intelligences.
Help students build on their strengths to become smarter in many ways. Create a supportive learning
environment in which students are appreciated for their multiple intelligences and celebrated for
their uniqueness among classmates. Features over 160 MI strategies you won't find in any other MI
book. You will use these easy-to-master MI strategies to make any lesson accessible to all
intelligences while developing and celebrating the unique pattern of intelligences of each student!
This is the ultimate resource for translating enthusiasm about the multiple intelligences theory
into successful everyday classroom practice! 720 pages. BKMI • $44
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“The single most comprehensive MI book available for teachers, teacher
educators, staff developers, and administrators!”
Educators Say...
“It is the most teacher-friendly MI book I’ve ever
— Christa Chapman, Principal
“It will be an invaluable resource. It will empower me to even
greater success. Clear and extremely user-friendly.”
— Lori Chandler, 11th & 12th grade teacher