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Special Needs & Inclusion

RTI - Response to Intervention SmartCard cover RTI–Response to Intervention SmartCard
Help students who struggle in school with this systematic approach. Identify students with learning challenges and respond with effective interventions. This SmartCard introduces you to RTI and overviews three basic components of RTI: 1) Screening for Struggling Students, 2) Tiered Intervention Strategies, and 3) Progress Monitoring. This SmartCard provides suggestions for forming an RTI team in your school and special considerations for your team. It offers ideas for informing and involving parents. Provide support to students who need help in school with RTI! TRT • $4
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Teaching Kids with Mental Health and Learning Disorders in Today's Classroom book coverA Practical Guide to Mental Health and Learning Disorders for Every Educator
Myles Cooley (All Grades)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD). Dysthymia. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Asperger's Syndrome. Do you know what they are and how to respond? This book can help. Covers a wide range of health and learning disorders teachers face. 224 pages. DCMH • $43
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Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties in Today's Classroom book coverTeaching Kids with Learning
Difficulties in Today's Classroom

How Every Teacher Can Help Struggling Students Succeed
Susan Winebrenner (All Grades)
A gold mine of practical, easy-to-use teaching methods, strategies, and tips to improve learning outcomes for students who score below proficiency levels. This fully revised and updated third edition provides information on integrated learning, problem solving, and critical thinking in line with Common Core State Standards and 21st-century skills. It reflects the use of technology and schoolwide cluster grouping in support of all students and includes proven, practical, classroom-tested strategies and step-by-step instructions for how to use them. Sidebars throughout highlight special information for working with students on the autism spectrum; “tech tips” describe technologies that are especially useful for kids with LD. Digital content includes all of the book’s customizable forms, additional content organization charts, and a PDF presentation for book study groups and professional development. 248 pages. DWTK2V • $43
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The Survival Guide for Kids with Behavior Challenges book coverThe Survival Guide for Kids
with Behavior Challenges

How to Make Good Choices and Stay Out of Trouble
Thomas McIntyre, Ph.D. (Grades 3–8)
Kids who are labeled with behavior disorder (BD, ED, EBD, or SED) struggle every day—with their peers, teachers, parents, and themselves. It's no fun to be labeled, and nobody wants to have behavior problems. Often, however, students who frequently misbehave don't know how else to act. This book can help them improve their behavior and their lives. Kids learn to believe in themselves, take responsibility for their actions, make smarter choices, and enjoy the results of their better behavior. 176 pages. DMBSG2V • $18
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