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Everyone Engaged 3 Poster Set
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Mix-Pair-Share software coverNew!Mix-Pair-Share™ Software
Engage every student on any topic. This software helps you lead your class though Mix-Pair-Share, a simple and powerful student interaction structure. With the click of a button, you will lead students through each step: Students mix around the room. They pair up. Then, they share with their partners on the interaction question or topic. For student interaction, you have three structures to choose from: Use Timed Pair Share for open-ended discussion questions. Use Pair Share for quick responses. Use RallyRobin for exploring content with multiple ideas or answers. You can add an interaction question right before your lesson or store sets based on your lesson plans to use year after year. Software also includes three sample question sets with fun questions for classbuilding. You get all the timers, student selection prompts, and ready-to-use student responses to get this Kagan Structure right every time! For PC and Mac.
Single user EMPS • $29
PC • Mac • Interactive Whiteboard


Mix-Pair-Share™ Software Site License
CD & User License for 10 EMPS10 • $249 Save $41
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

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TimerTools software coverTimers for Every Timing Needed!
TimerTools™ Software
Projectable Timers for Teachers and Trainers

Imagine this: You are doing a PowerPoint® presentation and with one click, your whole screen turns into a huge hourglass to let your learners know how much time they have left to discuss an issue. Or your class computer rings a "Time's Up!" alarm letting students know it's time to switch gears. Excitement mounts as your class or workshop participants race against the TimerTools stopwatch, attempting to break their prior record for a challenging task. It's all possible with TimerTools. TimerTools is the Swiss army knife for teachers and presenters: 18 essential tools in one! Whether you are presenting to a small class or a huge audience, TimerTools is your perfect solution for every presentation need: hourglass, analog clock, digital clock, alarm clock, multiple customizable alarms, seconds timer, countdown timer, spotlight timer, turn timer, interval timer, bar timer, task timer, preset timer, percent timer, color timer, digital stopwatch, analog stopwatch, and split stopwatch. Each attractive, scalable, customizable timer tool is super easy to use. Ideal for computer presentations or to turn your whole computer into a suite of powerful timing tools.
Single user: ETT • $29
Product Review

For complete product description, demo, instructions, ideas and activities, and site license info, click here.

• Easy-to-use timer for teachers and presenters.
• Full screen display is ideal for small and large audiences.
• 18 essential timing tools in one!
• Works side-by-side with PowerPoint presentations.

PC • Mac • Interactive Whiteboard

TimerTools™ Software Site License
Site license available in 10-user license. ETT10 • $249 Save $41
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

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SelectorTools software coverSelect Students and Teams with Ease!
SelectorTools™ Software
Projectable Selectors for Teachers and Trainers
Keep everyone actively involved! Click a button to randomly select a student in the class by name. Spin a spinner to pick which teammate will share the team's answer. Roll a die to pick a student on each team to go first. Press Go and randomly select the next team to present. SelectorTools offers 15 attractive selectors: No Repeat Selector, Color Selector, Color Spinner, Name Selector, Next Team, Number Selector, Partner Picker Spinner, Role Assigner, Role Timer, Roll the Die, Student Selector Spinner, Student & Team Selector Spinners, Team Selector Spinner, Team Sequencer, and Who's Up? This collection of selectors will give you the tools you need to crank up active engagement. Instead of calling on one student at a time, pick one student in each pair or team to answer or perform. With random selectors, anyone can be picked at any time, so tuning out is not an option. Pump up the interaction in your classroom and keep everyone involved. Selecting students and teams has never been so fun or easy.
Single user: EST • $29
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For complete product description, demo, instructions, ideas and activities, and site license info, click here.

• Easy-to-use selectors for teachers and presenters.
• Full screen display is ideal for small and large audiences.
• 15 terrific selection tools in one!
• Works side-by-side with PowerPoint presentations.

PC • Mac • Interactive Whiteboard

SelectorTools™ Software Site License
Site license available in 10-user license. EST10 • $249 Save $41
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

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TeamTools software coverForm teams with a click!
TeamTools™ Software
Let's face it, forming good cooperative learning teams can be a chore. Not anymore! To create effective teams, we must juggle a lot of variables: We want teams of four, but must form some teams of three or five to handle "extra" students. We want two boys and two girls per team, but when we run out of balanced sex teams we want same sex teams so the solo boy or girl is not given too much or too little attention. We want a high, high-medium, low-medium, and low ability student on each team to optimize tutoring and achievement. Creating teams can be a brain-racking, time-consuming process. Now you simply click a button. TeamTools takes your class info and recommends teams for you. If you like the recommended teams, you save, print, or display them for your class. If you're not happy with the suggested teams, you push a button to try again, or fine-tune the teams yourself by moving students around. Forming flexible groups for differentiated instruction is also a snap. TeamTools gives you six ways to form teams, six ways to form pairs, and two ways to split the class into two teams. You can use TeamTools for up to eight different classrooms. Create and manage teams like a pro with TeamTools!
Single user: ETM • $29
For complete product description, demo, and more info, click here.

PC • Mac • Interactive Whiteboard

TeamTools™ Software Site License
Site license available in 10-user license. ETM10 • $249 Save $41
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

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DecisionTools software coverVisuals for Class Questions and Decisions!
DecisionTools™ Software
Questioning and Decision-Making Tools for Teachers and Trainers
Asking questions and making decisions just got a whole lot more interesting and effective with this suite of visual tools. With 13 tools, you have the perfect tool for every group question and decision. Display true/false, multiple choice, yes/no, agree/disagree, and survey questions for your students or staff. Enter the results, and click the Go button. DecisionTools calculates the totals and percents and then displays bar and pie graphs in vibrant colors. You get the power of class responders without the big price tag. Vote as a group and display the results with beautiful graphs. Make a group decision without creating winners and losers. Rank items as a group while respecting everyone's input. Brainstorm and prioritize ideas with an easy-to-use interface. Perform a plus/minus comparison by listing and rating the advantages and disadvantages of any idea. DecisionTools gives you an eye-pleasing interface that leads you through all these questioning and decision-making processes. From super-simple yes or no decisions to sophisticated feature comparisons, DecisionTools has you covered! So many tools. So easy to use. Single user: ETD • $29
For complete product description, demo, and more info, click here.

PC • Mac • Interactive Whiteboard

DecsionTools™ Software Site License
Site license available in 10-user license. ETD10 • $249 Save $41
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

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Numbered Heads Together software cover The Total Engagement Quiz Show Review!
Numbered Heads Together™ Software
The Quiz Show Game for Teams

Students love game show reviews. And students love teamwork. We've put them together in this game show software that your students will ask for time and time again! You simply type or paste in your questions or problems for any subject and you're ready to play. It's so easy to use, you can set up a game in just minutes; plus you can save all your games to play next period, next year, or as a refresher next week. You can use just about any type of questions: worksheet problems, review questions, test prep questions, or you can even play with thinking or trivia questions. The game leads teams through Numbered Heads Together, a longtime favorite cooperative learning review structure designed to promote teamwork and accountability for every student. Students put their "heads together" so everyone on the team can answer for the team. And because any student can be picked at any time to share the team's answer, everyone must keep tuned in to every question or problem. Unlike other review games, with Numbered Heads Together you're confident that every student is actively engaged and that everyone is learning. Put the excitement of a quiz show together with the best of instruction and you will transform any review session into a power-packed learning experience.
Single user: ENH • $29
Watch Video DemoProduct Review
For complete product description, demo, and more info, click here.

PC, Mac & Interactive Whiteboard


Numbered Heads Together™ Software Site License
Site license available in 10-user license. ENH10 • $249 Save $41
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

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Kagan Structures Digital Display software coverLead your students step-by-step through powerful structures!
Kagan Structures Digital Display Software
(All Grades)
You click your mouse or touch your whiteboard. Immediately your students see and hear the screen flip to the next step of your favorite Kagan Structure, 29 structures in all! With your Structures Digital Display, you effortlessly lead your students through Kagan Structures proven to boost engagement and learning. Each structure includes an illustrated slide and step-by-step instructions. A great visual reminder for you and your students! Use this visual display to create full student engagement step-by-step!
For PC and Mac. Single user EKS • $99
Product ReviewsDownload User Manual

PC & Mac & Interactive Whiteboard

Lead Your Students Step-By-Step Through Powerful Structures


Kagan Structures Digital Display Software
Site license available in 10-user license. EKS10 • $690 Save $300
Call for discount pricing for more than 10 users.

Instant Engagement
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Instant Engagement software combo covers
Create Engagement Instantly!Save!
Instant Engagement Software
Create engagement—instantly! Just add your own questions. Using game-like structures, Instant Engagement leads you and your students through step-by-step instructional strategies for review, thinking and discussion, idea generation, and problem solving. There are 3 different programs in this series: 1) Pair, 2) Team, and 3) Class. Each program includes three structures designed to cover the range of classroom objectives. Use Quiz-N-Show for pair review sessions to boost test scores in any subject. Use Mix-Pair-Share to have your students mix to the music and then pair up with a classmate to discuss the prompts you enter—from what they did last weekend to the Theory of Relativity. Use ThinkTank to promote higher-level thinking and in-depth discussions in teams about your curriculum. Learning becomes fun, not a chore, with these interactive strategies. Good teaching is a snap! Whether you know and love Kagan Structures or you're just looking for a way to step up student engagement in your class, you now have the perfect tools to engage every student, every time.
Get all 3 programs together and save big! Regular price $147. Combo price $119 • CIE Save $28!
PC • Mac • Interactive WhiteboardFor complete product description, demo, and more info, click here.

Celebration screenshot
Make Learning Fun
With Celebrations
Steps screenshot
Lead Students
Step-by-Step to Success
Selector screenshot
Keep Everyone Engaged
with Random Selectors
Timer screenshot
Manage Time Easily
with Built-In Timers
Question screenshot
Enter and Save
Your Own Questions

Software also sold separately and as site licences. Call for volume pricing.

Instant Engagement Class Structures software cover
Class Structures
  • Mix-Pair-Share
  • Quiz-Quiz
  • PairUp Review

Instant Engagement Pair Structures software cover
Pair Structures
  • Timed Pair Share
  • RallyRobin
  • Quiz-N-Show

Instant Engagement Team Structures software cover
Team Structures
  • ThinkTank
  • Timed RoundRobin
  • Instant Star

Instant Teambuilding & Classbuilding
Instant Teambuilding and Classbuilding software covers Save!
Create engagement instantly!
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Instant Teambuilding & Classbuilding Software
Teambuilding and classbuilding have never been so easy! This software combines the ease of ready-to-use questions with the power of full interaction structures. Lead your students through teambuilding and classbuilding by simply clicking through the steps of the structures provided. Students have fun, get acquainted, and celebrate each other. Teams and classrooms become a supportive environment, optimal for learning. The Teambuilding version features Spotlight and Timed RoundRobin, two team-based interaction structures. The Classbuilding version features Mix-Pair-Share and Travel-N-Tell, two structures to promote positive classmate interactions. Choose from 20 unique question sets in each software to create teambuilding and classbuilding activities with zero prep, or make and save your own question sets. For PC, Mac, interactive whiteboards. Get both programs together and save big!
Regular price $98. Combo price $79 • CETBCB Save $19!

PC • Mac • Interactive Whiteboard
Question set screenshot
Choose Among 20
Instant Question Sets
per Software
Celebration screenshot
Create a Caring Class
with Celebrations
Travel-n-tell question screenshot
Engage Every Student
With Full Participation Structures
Spotlight question screenshot
Energize Students with
Fun-to-Discuss Questions

Software also sold separately and as site licences. Call for volume pricing.

Instant Teambuilding software cover
• Spotlight
• Timed RoundRobin
Download User Manual

Instant Classbuilding software cover
• Mix-Pair-Share
• Travel-N-Tell
Download User Manual

Apps for iPhone and iPad
Available on the App Store

Select students by name with this classy little app. Just type or paste in your class list and save it. Then pick how you want to select students. You can pick students randomly, random without repeats, in sequence, A to Z, or Z to A. Save up to 8 lists for 8 classes or 8 different groups. Selector cycles through the names on your list and picks one. Just click the Next button to select the next student. It'll inform you when everyone's been selected. Also keeps track of your history. Keep the entire class on task because anyone's name can come up next. View iTunes Preview

Kagan's famous TimerTools software is now available as an app! You get a suite of powerful timers that are super easy to use. Timers include: Countdown, Stopwatch, Turn Timer, Seconds Up, Seconds Down, and Interval Timer. Access and set any timer with just a few clicks. All the most frequent timers teachers use are available as presets. Timer display size is maximized to see from a distance. More attractive and teacher-friendly than any other timer app available. View iTunes Preview

Pick a student in the class to answer. Pick which student on each team will read first. Pick a team to present first. This little selector is really easy to use and flexible. It allows you to select a number randomly, sequentially, or random with no repeats. It's a great way to promote active engagement by everyone and ensure fairness. View iTunes Preview

Selector Spinners
Here are 3 super simple, super attractive classroom spinners. The Student Selector picks one student on each team. Designed for teams of 3, 4, and 5. The Team Selector picks one team in the class. Designed for 6–9 teams in the class. The Partner Picker randomly picks Partner A or Partner B with each spin. Get 3 great spinners in 1! View iTunes Preview

Available on the App Store - Click Here
Phone Number: 800.933.2667 Call 800-933-2667

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