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Structures for Success in Chemistry book coverStructures for Success in Chemistry
High School Activities
Don Plumb (Grades 8–12)
Chemistry is a beautiful subject that enriches our understanding of the world and is central to so many scientific endeavors. But it can also be a difficult concept for many students to grasp—until now! With exciting explorations and cooperative, interactive structures, your students will "react" to chemistry like never before. In addition to the cooperative structures for chemistry, you'll find ready-to-use activities and reproducible blackline masters for the most common themes in chemistry: Matter and Reaction, Structure and Bonding, States of Matter, Chemical Calculations, Water and Solutions, and Energy and Chemistry. Make the science of matter really matter to your students. 256 pages. BPC • $34
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Cooperative Learning and Science book cover
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Cooperative Learning & Science
High School Activities

Michael Michels, Angela Manzi & Janina Mele (Grades 8–12)
Learning science content has never been so fun and interactive. This book features Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures such as: Find Someone Who, Pairs Check, Corners, Mix-N-Match, Word-Webbing, and GiveOne–GetOne to make science learning motivating and memorable. You'll find loads of age-appropriate activity ideas and ready-to-use blackline masters for each of the following science classes: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physical Science, and General and Lab Science. Your secondary science class will be humming with excitement and interest. 280 pages.
BFS • $34
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Cooperative Learning and Hands-On Science book cover
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Cooperative Learning & Hands-On Science
Laura Candler (Grades 3–8)
The best cooperative learning and science book for the elementary and middle grades! Use cooperative learning to teach both science content and process skills. The book includes a complete overview of cooperative learning and co-op structures, cooperative process science, and 15 fantastic step-by-step, hands-on cooperative learning lessons. Loaded with curriculum and literature links, science journal ideas, activities, and ready-to-use blackline masters. 296 pages.
BCHOS • $29
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Physical Science Higher-Level Thinking Questions book coverPhysical Science
Higher-Level Thinking Questions

(Grades 3–8)
Light up your students' minds with these "electrifying" questions. You'll find hundreds of ready-to-use thinking questions on sixteen of the most popular physical science topics such as: Astronomy, Electricity, Force and Motion, Inventions, Matter and Energy, Simple Machines, Technology and many more! Skyrocket your students' thinking into outer space with these provocative questions: “Why do you think people believed that the Earth was the center of the universe?” “How does a door wedge work to keep a door open?” “If gravity pulls things down, why don't airplanes fall from the sky?” Questions are provided in convenient reproducible question card format, perfect for the engaging cooperative questioning activities provided. Also includes reproducible prompts for journal writing and activities for student-generated questions. 160 pages.
BQPS • $19
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Biology Higher-Level Thinking Questions book cover
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Higher-Level Thinking Questions

(Grades 7–12)
Your secondary students will explore biology topics and themes like never before with this giant collection of ready-to-use biology questions. You'll find questions for sixteen biology topics and themes: Animals, Biochemistry, Bioenergetics, Biotechnology and Ethics, Body Systems, Cells, Classification, Ecology, Evolution, Fungi, Genetics, Methods and Tools, Monera, Plants, Protista, and Viruses and Diseases. Promote thinking and interaction in your biology class. 160 pages.
BQB • $19
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Chemistry Higher-Level Thinking Questions book coverChemistry
Higher-Level Thinking Questions

(Grades 7–12)
Your secondary students will explore chemistry topics and themes like never before with this giant collection of ready-to-use chemistry questions. You'll find questions for eighteen chemistry topics and themes: Acids and Bases, Atomic Structure, Biochemistry, Bonding, Chemical Industry, Chemical Reactions, Electron Configurations, Environmental Chemistry and Pollution, Gases, Hydrocarbons and Petroleum, Metals, Methods and Tools, Nuclear Chemistry and Alternative Energy Sources, Periodic Table, Solutions, States of Matter, Stoichiometry, and Water. Nurture the development of your students' thinking skills with hundreds of questions such as: “How can gas pressure affect the health of someone who goes scuba diving?” “Why does maple sugar flow from a tree in winter?” Promote thinking and active engagement in your chemistry class. 174 pages. BQC • $19
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Life and Earth Science Higher-Level Thinking Questions book coverLife & Earth Science
Higher-Level Thinking Questions

(Grades 3–8)
Watch your students "dig into" life and earth science with this collection of higher-level thinking questions. Includes sixteen popular topics and themes: Animals, Bugs, Environment, Health and Nutrition, Human Body, Oceans, and many more! Create a natural environment to nurture the development of your students' budding thinking skills with hundreds of questions such as: “Should cosmetic testing and medical research be done on animals? Why or why not?” “Why are people living longer today than ever before? What impact does civilization have on nature?” “If you could have one sense be super strong, which sense would you choose? How would you use it?” Questions are provided in convenient reproducible question card format, perfect for the engaging cooperative questioning activities provided. Also includes reproducible prompts for journal writing and activities for student-generated questions. Bring science to life with this whole world of questions guaranteed to get your students thinking! 160 pages.
BQLS • $19
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Science Buddies book cover
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Science Buddies
Cooperative Science Activities

Laura Candler (Grades 3–8)
Students and parents share the excitement of science discovery with simple and safe send-home investigations. Each activity has a teacher page—complete with an overview, ideas for introducing the activity, answers, and cooperative classroom follow-up ideas—and a send-home blackline with step-by-step directions, activity illustrations, and discussion questions. Perfect for parental involvement and in-class success. Science investigations are also terrific for the classroom. 75 pages. BCSB • $19
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Reaching the Science Standards Through Cooperative Learning book and DVD coverReaching the Science Standards Through Cooperative Learning Teacher Guide
Providing For ALL Learners in General Education Classroom
Dr. Spencer Kagan, Laurie Kagan, & Miguel Kagan (Grades K–8)
Help ALL students reach the science standards! This Teacher Guide will help you reach the standards for all using Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures. It includes chapters on the science standards, cooperative learning, reaching the standards for students with disabilities, reaching the standards for second language learners, and reaching the standards through multiple intelligences. This Teacher Guide also includes step-by-step directions, special adaptations for special populations, and literally hundreds of activity ideas for using the structures to reach the science standards. 200 pages. BKRSC• $29

Poster Projects cover

Poster Projects for Science
Create maximum engagement with minimal preparation and supervision. Students have fun and deepen their understanding of the curriculum as they create poster masterpieces. Your students will use their thinking and creativity skills as they complete these mini-projects. Make science study a fun, hands-on project. Students create poster masterpieces on various science topics. Each student poster includes numerous highly-motivating activities. Poster Projects are great for team projects, independent activities, sponge activities, and learning centers. Students will be so proud of their posters, they'll want to frame them and hang them up! Each set includes 32 of the same, 11" x 17" poster pages. $7 each.
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Poster Projects Animals sample
PPAN • $7

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Poster Projects Exploring Space sample
Exploring Space
PPEX • $7

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Poster Projects Forces of Nature sample
Forces of Nature
PPFN • $7

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Poster Projects Health and Nutrition sample
Health and Nutrition
PPHN • $7

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Poster Projects Human Body sample
The Human Body
PPHB • $7

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Poster Projects Recycling sample
PPRE • $7

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Poster Projects Science Experiments sample
Science Experiment
PPSC • $7

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Poster Projects Weather sample
Weather & Climate
PPWC • $7

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Mix-N-Match Science book cover
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Mix-N-Match: Science
(Grades 3-8)
Skyrocket science mastery! Students each get a Mix-N-Match card related to the topic. They move about the room quizzing each other and trading Mix-N-Match cards. You call, "Freeze!" They then rush to find a partner with the matching card. "What class of animal am I?" "What body system do I belong to?" Students enjoy mixing and matching so much, they hardly realize they are repeatedly quizzing each other and mastering the content. Book includes reproducible Mix-N-Match card sets for: animal adult and baby names, animal classification, body parts, bugs and insects, cell anatomy, exploring space, human body systems and facts, matter and energy, ocean life, the food pyramid, and weather vocabulary. 208 pages.
BXS • $19
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