Maximize the size of SelectorTools™ for your audience by running it full screen. Here's how:
• Full Screen: To view SelectorTools™ as a full screen, select View > Full Screen
(Shortcut keys: for PC: Control + F; for Mac: Command + F)
• Exit Full Screen: To exit Full Screen press the ESC key or repeat the full screen shortcut keys again.
To tab between SelectorTools™ and PowerPoint on the Mac in OS X:
Command + Tab
For fast switching between SelectorTools™ and PowerPoint on the PC, Click Here.
Hint: For presentations, quit any unnecessary applications to simplify locating the intended applications.
If you intend to use multiple selectors during your presentation, you can easily by-pass the step of opening specific selectors through the main menu each time. To do this, duplicate SelectorTools™ on your computer, then make and run copies. Rename the copy to the name of the selector you want to use. For example, if you want to use the Student Selector, name the copy “Student Selector." Repeat the process for each selector you want to use. Before you begin your presentation, open all your duplicate selectors to the desired selector for each copy. Now, when you're in PowerPoint, you can easily tab directly to the selector you want at any point during the presentation, or from one selector to another.