Displays large time, and small day, month, date, and year. Triggers an alarm at a set alarm time.
Use for: Quickly setting a single alarm. See It Work |
Large analog clock with small digital time, day, date, and year.
Use for: Displaying time and date.
See It Work
Large analog stopwatch with smaller digital display. Counts up from 0.
Use for: Timing events.
See It Work |
Counts down from a user-selected time or from a preset time and triggers an alarm at 00:00:00.
Use for: Allotting a predetermined time to an event.
See It Work |
Large digital clock, day, date, and year.
Use for: Displaying time and date. |
Large digital stopwatch with smaller analog stopwatch. Counts up from 0.
Use for: Timing events.
See It Work |
Hourglass visually displays time elapsed and time remaining and triggers an alarm at 00:00:00.
Use for: Allotting a predetermined time to an event.
See It Work |
Repeatedly counts down from a user-selected interval time to 00:00. Progress bar visually displays remaining time. Bell chimes indicating time's up for the interval.
Use for: Indicating time remaining for timed intervals.
See It Work |
Four customizable alarms. Displays large time, and small day, month, date, and year.
Use for: Setting a maximum of four alarms.
See It Work |
Counts down from the seconds entered to 0 on with large numbers and with a progress bar. Progress bar turns from green to yellow to red as time approaches completion.
Use for: Allotting a predetermined time (in seconds) to an event.
See It Work |
Records up to 5 splits from the stopwatch. Counts up from 0.
Use for: Timing multiple events.
See It Work |
A blinking green stoplight indicates who's turn it is and the countdown timer counts down time remaining for the turn. When the timer reaches 00:00, the light turns red and a sound indicates it's the next person's turn. The next stoplight blinks green. When all turns are completed, all lights turn red and an alarm sounds.
Use for: Timing equal turns on a team of 2, 3, or 4.
See It Work |
Counts down time remaining for multiple turns. User enters how many turns to time and then enters the time desired for each turn. When initiated, "1" is displayed indicating it is the first turn and the timer counts down. When the countdown reaches 00:00 and the progress bar runs out, a harp sound indicates time's up for that turn. The next turn (2, and so on) is automatically selected and the countdown begins. Alarm bell tolls twice when all turns have have been completed.
Use for: Timing equal turns.
See It Work |
Provides 43 of the most frequently used countdown times as presets for quickly selecting a countdown time. Counts down with a countdown timer and visually with color in a circular fashion. Triggers an alarm at 00:00:00.
Use for: Quickly selecting a preset countdown time. Ideal for interactive whiteboards and touch screen computers without a keyboard.
See It Work |
Counts down from the time selected to 0 on a circular 5 minute countdown clock face. The allotted time starts green, then turns to red as time elapses. Triggers an alarm at 00:00.
Use for: Allotting a predetermined time to an event. Focusing on the time available in proportion to a 5 minute timer.
See It Work |
Provides 5 color countdown bars for counting down up to 5 time intervals. Triggers an alarm after all countdown bars have completed their countdowns.
Use for: Providing students equally timed turns by assigning each student in a group (up to 5 students per group) a unique bar. Alternatively, the bars may be used to time up to 5 different events, such as switching roles on a project every minute for five minutes.
See It Work |
Visually displays the time available on a circular clock face. The clock face turns from blue to red as time elapses. Also displays Time Left and Percent Left numerically. Triggers an alarm at 0% Percent Left.
Use for: Displaying the time remaining as a percent of total time.
See It Work |
Visually displays the time available by changing the background color from green to red. Also displays a countdown timer. Triggers an alarm at 00:00:00.
Use for: Visually displaying the time remaining using color.
See It Work |