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Fraction Fun through
Cooperative Learning

Laurie Kagan (Grades 2–12)

BRFKF • $20
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This book is a complete fraction curriculum. Your students will delight in "building" answers to fraction problems with concrete manipulatives and then "connecting" their work to the symbols we call numbers. You teach for understanding, introducing every fraction concept first at the concrete level, then at the connecting level, and finally at the symbolic level. Designed to meet the NCTM standards. Loaded with blackline masters, fantastic explorations, and classbuilding activities. 94 pages.

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Product Reviews

This is a great resource for math teachers. These cooperative actives will ensure that every student is participating and working with the materials. The cooperative groups also get students talking and helping each other learn. As a fifth grade math teacher, I would recommend this resource in a heartbeat!
—B. Conner
