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Win-Win Discipline
Poster Set

  • 7 Posters to prevent disruptive behavior in your classroom.
  • Empower students with positive ways to meet their needs.
  • Promote responsible behavior with the Do's and Don'ts for each of 7 student positions.
PKWW • $14

End discipline problems by teaching students how to handle themselves with grace. Win-Win Discipline identifies 7 student positions that lead to almost every disruptive classroom behavior. For example, when students are angry, they may display aggressive behavior. Each of the 7 posters features one student position and lists behavior Do's and Don'ts. Instead of bullying others when angry, students learn to count to 10 before they react. Each poster offers multiple positive options. This poster set is a great tool for preventing discipline problems and for working with students when discipline problems do arise. Foster in your students an understanding of where their irresponsible behavior springs from, and empower them with a repertoire of responsible alternates to create win-win solutions.

Sample Posters
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Sample Posters
