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Higher-Level Thinking

Higher-Level Thinking Questions Books
Light the fires of your students' minds with this series of question books. In each book you will find questions, questions, and more questions for 16 of the most popular themes and topics for that subject. But these are no ordinary questions. They are the important kind—higher-level thinking questions—the kind that stretch your students' minds; the kind that tap your students' natural curiosity about the world; the kind that rack your students' brains; the kind that sharpen your students' thinking skills. Inside you will find a seemingly endless array of intriguing, mind-stretching questions and activities. Each book is spilling over with questions designed to engage and develop the spectrum of higher-level thinking skills. Add an invaluable higher-level thinking component to what you already teach. Make learning exciting, more engaging, and more effective. You can almost see your students' brains growing as they discuss these questions, share their thinking journal entries, and ask and answer their own higher-level thinking questions. Use these books to easily integrate critical and creative thinking skills into your daily lessons. Give your students the most valuable skills they can acquire—the desire to think, and the power to question. 160 pages each.

BQB • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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Developing Character
BQCD • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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Intermediate Literature
BQIL • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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Language Arts
BQLA • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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Life & Earth Science
BQLS • $19
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BQM • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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Personal & Social Skills
BQP • $19
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Physical Science
BQPS • $19
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Primary Literature
BQPL • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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Secondary Mathematics
BQSM • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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Social Studies
BQSS • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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BQSP • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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BQC • $19
Look What’s Inside!

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Higher-Level Thinking Question Cards
Your students just finish reading a book, are ready to start writing, are studying a historical character, or are about to explore a science topic. Each team pulls out their own set of Question Cards and works to ask and answer questions guaranteed to get them thinking critically and creatively about the content! You and your students will love using these popular open-ended higher level thinking question cards. Each classroom set has 16 colorful double-sided question cards for each team in your class. Includes enough cards for nine teams, full instructions and lots of great ideas for use.
$5 each.

Free! Buy 4, get the 5th set FREE! or Buy 7, get the 8th & 9th sets FREE!

Language Arts

Adventure Stories QA
Book Review QBR
Mystery Stories QMS
Poetry Possibilities QPP
Prewriting: Stories QPS

Story Characters QSC
Story Plot QSP
Story Setting QSSE
Story Structure QSST
Vocabulary QV

Save! Idea Spinner Combo
Your students are reading social studies, science, or literature. They stop. Each team then gives their own colorful Idea Spinner a spin. Teammates never know who will be called on—the Idea Spinner selects a student in each team to either give an idea or quiz a teammate as they summarize, predict, explain, or evaluate. Students love it! A wonderful energizer to be used for higher-level thinking with any content. Includes class set of eight spinners and storage pack.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CIS Save $8!

Single Idea Spinner MSIS • $3

Transparent Idea Spinner MSIST • $3

Save Spin-N-Think Spinner Combo
Your students will ask questions, generate ideas, paraphrase, praise, and discuss ideas as they play Spin-N-Think. Each team receives their own colorful Spin-N-Think game. The game has built-in instructions and practically runs itself. Spin-N-Think is designed to be played with our Higher-Level Thinking Question Cards or any set of open-ended thought questions. Played with any number of questions by teams of 2, 3, 4, or 5 students. This simple game produces in-depth thinking on any topic! Includes class set of eight spinners and storage pack.
Regular price $24. Combo price $16 • CSNT Save $8!

Single Spin-N-Think Spinner - MSSNT • $3

Transparent Spin-N-Think Spinner - MSSNTT • $3

Thinking Questions SmartCard
Skyrocket critical and creative questions in your classroom with carefully crafted questions. One of the most frequent and important things a teacher does is ask questions. In fact, teachers ask up to hundreds of questions per day. This easy-reference card is designed to help you ensure that your questions engage and develop your students' multifaceted thinking skills. It includes a discussion of fat vs. skinny questions, high-consensus vs. low-consensus questions, and true vs. review questions. It overviews the importance of critical and creative questions, and links classroom questions to developing thinking skills. Inside, you will find over 100 reusable question starters for 36 types of thinking. The question starters are great to enrich your questions and they're terrific for the student-generated questioning activities described on the back. Keep this little SmartCard handy and remember Einstein's advice, "The important thing is to never stop questioning." TTQ • $4
See Entire Collection of SmartCards. Save on the Teacher Toolbox!

8 Free canisters and Free storage box included with purchase of class sets of 8!

Save!Learning Chips
Boost interaction. Boost learning. Learning Chips will have your class humming with interaction. Each set has 16 attractive, durable plastic chips. Each team lays a set of chips question-side down on their desk. One student picks a chip and reads the question. All teammates take a turn responding. The next student picks the next chip and all teammates respond. Learning Chips are a terrific way to get students interacting over the learning topic! Just place a set of chips at a team table and let the non-stop discussion begin. They run themselves as a center. Chips are also great for whole-class activities. Give each student one chip. Have them mix, pair, and ask a partner the question on their chip. They trade chips and find new partners to question. $5 each set or get 8 sets for your class for only $29. Save $11!
Top Ideas for Using Learning Chips
Watch Video Demo

Discussion Chips
Provocative sentence starters to encourage impassioned discussion about any topic.

Class Set of 8
CMDD • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set MDD • $5

Processing Chips
Increase the understanding and retention of any lecture, reading, or video. After 5–10 minutes of direct input, stop and have teams use these chips to process what they've learned. By completing sentence starters such as, "I was surprised to learn…," and "In summary…," students personalize the input. They remember much more of what they share with teammates.

Class Set of 8
CMDPR • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set MDPR • $5

Lesson Review Chips
Wrap-up questions to review any lesson and to cement new learning.

Class Set of 8
CMDRV • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set
MDRV • $5

Thinking Chips
Varied question starters to generate a range of thinking about any topic.

Class Set of 8
CMDT • $29
Save $11!

Single Chips Set
MDT • $5

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