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Brain-Friendly Teaching MiniBook

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New!Cooperative Learning & Science
Stefanie McKoy
Inspire the next generation of scientists! The science standards inform us what key concepts we should teach our students across four science domains. These books have ready-to-use activities and ideas focusing on those core ideas in Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Engineering and Technology. But the standards do more than tell us what students should learn, they call for scientific practices including communication, collaboration, inquiry, and problem solving. The activities in this book are all based on cooperative, interactive structures that have students work in pairs and in teams to build, deepen, and apply their science knowledge. Through interaction, students explore science at a deeper level and have more fun doing it! Stimulate students’ interest in science with these ready-to-go, engaging activities.

Cooperative Learning and Science grades K to 2 book cover

Cooperative Learning & Science
(Grades K-2) 144 pages
BMSC2 • $24
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Cooperative Learing and Science grades 3 to 5 book cover

Cooperative Learning & Science
(Grades 3-5) 144 pages
BMSC3 • $24
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Cooperative Learning and Wee Science book cover
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Cooperative Learning & Wee Science
Laura Candler (Grades K–3)
This is the book on cooperative learning and primary science! Have your primary students learn science by doing science! You will integrate process science with cooperative learning. Your students will classify, communicate, experiment, identify, infer, measure, make models, observe, organize data, and make predictions with these excellent cooperative learning science lessons. Lessons cover popular primary science topics such as: rainbows, magnets, senses, leaves, electricity, rain forest, seeds, sounds, fish, helicopters, rocks, and temperature. Proven step-by-step cooperative lessons for primary science with reproducible blackline masters. 248 pages. BCWS • $29Look What’s Inside!Save on the Primary Book Combo!

Mix-N-Match thumbnail
sample cards

Science Mix-N-Match Classroom Sets
Save time with ready-made, colorful card-stock classroom sets. Class sets include instructions, ideas for use, and enough cards for 40 students. $5 each.

Save! Buy 4, get the 5th set FREE! or Buy 7, get the 8th & 9th set FREE!

Animal-N-Name XAN
Bird-N-Name XBN
Body Part-N-Definition XBD

Food-N-Name XFN
Inventor-N-Invention XII
Insect-N-Name XIN

Transportation-N-Name XTN
Ocean Life-N-Name XON
Weather Term-N-Definition XWD

Write! Science book cover
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Write! Science
Multiple Intelligences & Cooperative Learning Activities
Virginia DeBolt (Grades 4–9)
Add a new facet to your science instruction—Writing! Students get a deeper understanding and appreciation for science issues by writing about science. Students work cooperatively with teammates on activities like prioritizing science problems, writing about how industry affects the environment, and coming up with a new invention. Activities incorporate the multiple intelligences. Writing activities are perfect to start the class, introduce a new concept, end the unit, or use as a sponge activity. Book includes 36 cooperative writing activities with ready-to-use reproducible activity pages, and a brief description of dozens of cooperative learning techniques. 140 pages.
BDS • $24
Look What’s Inside!Save on the Write! Books Combo!

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